July 2023 Release Notes

This data version was was released on 7/10/2023.

Welcome to our July 2023 release notes! We’re rolling out some exciting updates with this release.

Here are some of the key highlights:

Excited yet? Read on to learn more, or jump to a specific section using the table of contents below.

Table of Contents

📣 Key Announcements

✨ New Products and Features

🚀 Data Updates

🛠 Improvements and Bug Fixes

📣 Key Announcements

Six New Filters for Person Retrieve API filter_updated Parameter

A few quarters ago (October v20), we introduced a new input parameter for our Person Retrieve API called filter_updated, which selects the criteria to determine which changes to a record count as an “update.” Only updated records will be charged when using the Person Retrieve API.

Due to extensive customer feedback, we’re excited to launch six new filters in this release:

For example, by using the phone_number filter, you will receive/be charged for the record only if the mobile_phone or phone_numbers fields for that ID have changed since the last data refresh.

The Retrieve API also supports using multiple filters in the same request. For example, if you use both the personal_emails and work_email filters, a match will be returned if any of the associated fields for either filter have been updated.

Retrieve Webhook Filter Support

This quarter, we’re excited to continue improving the Retrieve Webhook functionality by adding support for the filter_updated parameter. For example, you can now have the webhook automatically send you a list of only the Person IDs that changed jobs in the monthly data release out of all records you’ve ever pulled. This gives you even more control to narrow in on the updates that are valuable to you, and ultimately on the updates you pay for.

All 7 filters and multi-filter support are available with the Retrieve Webhook for both API and Data License customers.

Improvements to the Company website Field

Our engineers have been hard at work making various improvements to increase the reliability of our company website and alternative_domains fields.

This release includes the following changes:

  • Enhanced update processes for companies that rebrand or change their name over time.
  • Added previously non-exposed website field data to the alternative_domains field. In the past, we had stored historical domains in a non-visible field to enable users to match to a profile even when using an old company website in their query. We’ve now added this additional website data to the alternative_domains field.
  • Added full website path and subdomain data for certain websites. There are many legitimate businesses that rely on web hosting platforms and social networks to promote their services. We’re now allowing for full URLs (compared to stripped root domains) for popular hosting platforms like Facebook, Blogspot, Wix, and others. Business websites like samspizza.blogspot.com or etsy.com/sams-pizza will now show the correct website (including the “sams-pizza” subdomain/path in this example). Websites using link shortening services like Bit.ly, TinyURL, ShortURL, etc. will now also appear represented in full.
  • Incorporated domain redirects data into our website and alternative_domains fields. To identify changes in websites, we are now capturing website redirect data in order to update a new primary domain for many company profiles. In cases where we can identify a new primary website using these methods, we will store the previous website(s) in the alternative_domains field.

With these changes, v23 has:

  • 2.6 million more company records with a website, an increase of +15.2%
  • 4.0 million increase in the total number of websites in the website and alternative_domains fields, representing growth of +21.1%
  • 54,909 company records where an existing website was replaced with an updated website using new redirect and version logic

✨ New Products and Features

[Beta] IP Enrichment API


Warning: Beta API

This API is in beta and is subject to change.

This release, we’re excited to announce the launch of our IP Enrichment API that provides a one-to-one IP match, giving you up-to-date information on a unique IP. This will allow you to link website visitor IPs with company information, enable personalized web experiences, create target lists, identify website traffic sources, and more.

By providing an IP address to the IP Enrichment API, you will receive the location and company associated with it. Additional metadata about the IP address is available as a premium add-on. You can use this information as-is to learn about visitors or feed the relevant information to our Company Enrichment or Person Search APIs to get even more detailed data.

The IP Enrichment API is currently in beta, if you’d like to request access, please reach out to us.

🚀 Data Updates


This quarter, we updated millions of jobs and locations in our Global Resume Dataset. See below for details:

DatasetGeographyFieldRecords Updated
ResumeUnited Statesexperience43,078,522
ResumeUnited Stateslocation17,057,015


Resume Dataset

LinkageCoverage in v22Coverage in v23Increase (%)

API Dataset

LinkageCoverage in v22Coverage in v23Increase (%)

Email Dataset

LinkageCoverage in v22Coverage in v23Increase (%)

Company Dataset

LinkageCoverage in v22Coverage in v23Increase (%)


  • work_email linkages in the Resume, API, and Email datasets increased by 15%
  • Huge increases in contact information linkages in the API dataset
    • emails.address linkages increased by 28.8M
    • location.street_address linkages increased by 21M
    • personal_emails linkages increased by 21.4M
  • As detailed in the previous section, the website and alternative_domains fields in the Company dataset saw significant growth (2.6M and 2.5M increases respectively) as a result of our new logic.

🛠 Improvements and Bug Fixes


  • Improved nickname alias (Robert → Bob, Bobby, Rob) to improve profile resolution and matching.
  • Improved our Chief Executive Officer (CXO) job level tagging by filtering out support roles (Assistant to the CEO, Chief of Staff to the President, etc.)
  • “Instructor” roles were exclusively mapped to the “Professor” subrole. This meant titles such as “Swim Instructor” or “Tennis Instructor” had a subrole of “Professor”. We’ve removed this mapping and added a new “Instructor” subrole.

Bug Fixes

  • In the location cleaner, “Stockholm, Sweden” no longer erroneously cleans to “Saintckholm, Sweden.”
  • Changed education.summary to be text indexed instead of keyword indexed.