Person Schema


This page details the Person Data that we provide through our Person APIs, such as Person Enrichment and Person Search.


Field Availability

Not all fields are available in all bundles.

Free plans, by default, do not have access to contact fields like emails, phone numbers, and street addresses and will instead appear as true if the value exists or false if it does not. To unlock the values, please upgrade to a Pro plan. Read more here: Plan types: Free vs Pro



Description The person's first name.
Data Type String

Field Details

The person's first name.


  "first_name": "sean"


Description The person's full name.
Data Type String

Field Details

The first and the last name fields appended with a space.


  "full_name": "sean thorne"


Description A unique persistent identifier for the person.
Data Type String

Field Details

The ID is a unique, persistent, and hashed value that represents a specific person.

As of v24, IDs have a max length of 64 characters, although in practice we expect IDs to be closer to 32 characters in length.

See for more information.


  "id": "qEnOZ5Oh0poWnQ1luFBfVw_0000"


Description The first letter of the person's last name.
Data Type String (1 character)

Field Details

The first letter of the person's last name.


  "last_initial": "t"


Description The person's last name.
Data Type String

Field Details

The person's last name.


  "last_name": "thorne"


Description The first letter of the person's middle name.
Data Type String (1 character)

Field Details

The first letter of the person's middle name.


  "middle_initial": "f"


Description The person's middle name.
Data Type String

Field Details

The person's middle name.


  "middle_name": "fong"


Description Any other names the person goes by.
Data Type Array [String]

Field Details

Any associated names or aliases besides the primary one used in the full_name field.


Sort Order

Name aliases are sorted with the primary alias first. The remaining aliases are sorted by num_sources, last_seen, first_seen, full_name, all in reverse order (highest first, most recent, Z→A):

  1. Primary name first
  2. num_sources (highest first)
  3. last_seen (most recent first)
  4. first_seen (most recent first)
  5. full_name (Z→A)


  "name_aliases": [
    "andrew nichol",
    "r andrew nichol",
    "robert nichol"

Contact Information


Description Email addresses associated with the person.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

Each email associated with the person will be added to this list as its own object.

FieldData TypeDescription
addressStringThe fully parsed email address
first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record.
last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record.
num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record.
typeEnum (String)The type of email address. Must be one of our Canonical Email Types


Sort Order

Emails are sorted first by last_seen, then by first_seen, email , all in reverse order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. last_seen (most recent first)
  2. first_seen (most recent first)
  3. email (Z→A)


  "emails": [
      "address": "[email protected]",
      "type": "current_professional",
      "first_seen": "2017-06-02",
      "last_seen": "2019-07-18",
      "num_sources": 17
      "address": "[email protected]",
      "type": "personal",
      "first_seen": "2017-06-02",
      "last_seen": "2019-07-18",
      "num_sources": 17


Description The personal mobile phone associated with this individual. Mobile phones can only be associated with 1 person in the PDL data.
Data Type String (Phone)

Field Details

The mobile_phone field is generated from a highly confident source of mobile phones. We've hand-validated a sample of these and seen over 90% accuracy.


  "mobile_phone": "+15558675309"


Description All personal emails associated with the person.
Data Type Array [String]

Field Details

The list of all emails tagged as type = personal.


Sort Order

Personal emails are sorted with the recommended personal email first. The remaining emails are sorted in the same order as the emails array:last_seen, then by first_seen, email, all in reverse order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. Recommended personal email first
  2. last_seen (most recent first)
  3. first_seen (most recent first)
  4. email (Z→A)


  "personal_emails": [
    "[email protected]"


Description All phone numbers associated with the person.
Data Type Array [String (Phone)]

Field Details

For more detailed metadata on individual phone numbers, see the phones field.


Sort Order

Phone numbers are sorted with any mobile phone numbers first. The rest of the array is sorted by num_sources, last_seen, first_seen, all in reverse order and using the E.164 format (highest first, most recent first):

  1. Mobile phone numbers first
  2. num_sources (highest first)
  3. last_seen (most recent first)
  4. first_seen (most recent first)


  "phone_numbers": [


Description The list of phone numbers associated with this record with additional metadata.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

Each phone number object in this list will contain the following information.

FieldData TypeDescription
first_seenString (Date)The date that this number was first associated with this record.
last_seenString (Date)The date that this number was last associated with this record.
num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this profile with this record.
numberString (Phone)The phone number.


Sort Order

Phones are sorted with any mobile phone numbers first. The rest of the array is sorted by num_sources, last_seen, first_seen, all in reverse order and using the E.164 format (highest first, most recent first):

  1. Mobile phone numbers first
  2. num_sources (highest first)
  3. last_seen (most recent first)
  4. first_seen (most recent first)


  "phones": [
      "number": "+15558675309",
      "first_seen": "2017-06-02",
      "last_seen": "2019-07-18",
      "num_sources": 17   


Description The best available email to reach a person.
Data Type String

Field Details

This field is generated by analyzing the all of a person's emails in the personal_emails list to identify the best available email.

Through testing, we’ve found that using the email identified in recommended_personal_email versus selecting a random email address from personal_emails resulted in ~37% higher deliverability.


  "recommended_personal_email": "[email protected]"


Description The person's current work email.
Data Type String

Field Details

The value for this field must use valid email address formatting. It is common and expected that work email domains may differ from the company's website for a number of reasons:

  • The company changed their website domain
  • The company has opted for a shorter email domain
  • The company has been merged into or was acquired by another company


  "work_email": "[email protected]"

Current Company

These fields describe the company the person currently works at. These fields will match the corresponding values in our Company Schema and will use the same formatting and parsing logic.


Description The person’s current company’s percentage increase in total headcount over the past 12 months. Mapped from employee_growth_rate.12_month.

Growth rate is calculated as (current_employee_count / previous_employee_count) - 1.
Data Type Float


  "job_company_12mo_employee_growth_rate": -0.1379


Description The person's current company's Facebook URL.
Data Type String


  "job_company_facebook_url": ""


Description The person's current company's founding year.
Data Type Integer (> 0)


  "job_company_founded": 2015


Description The total number of PDL profiles associated with the person’s current company. Mapped from employee_count.
Data Type Integer (>= 0)


  "job_company_employee_count": 125


Description The person's current company's PDL ID.
Data Type String


  "job_company_id": "tnHcNHbCv8MKeLh92946LAkX6PKg"


Description The person's current company's industry.
Data Type Enum (String)


  "job_company_industry": "computer software"


Description The estimated annual revenue range in USD of the person’s current company.
Data Type Enum (String)


  "job_company_inferred_revenue": "$25M-$50M"


Description The person's current company's LinkedIn ID.
Data Type String


  "job_company_linkedin_id": "18170482"


Description The person's current company's LinkedIn URL.
Data Type String


  "job_company_linkedin_url": ""


Description The person's current company's headquarters' street address line 2.
Data Type String


  "job_company_location_address_line_2": "suite 1670"


Description The person's current company's headquarters' continent.
Data Type Enum (String)


  "job_company_location_continent": "north america"


Description The person's current company's headquarters' country.
Data Type Enum (String)


  "job_company_location_country": "united states"


Description The person's current company's headquarters' city-center geographic coordinates.
Data Type String


  "job_company_location_geo": "37.77,-122.41"


Description The person's current company's headquarters' locality.
Data Type String


  "job_company_location_locality": "san francisco"


Description The person's current company's headquarters' metro area.
Data Type Enum (String)


  "job_company_location_metro": "san francisco, california"


Description The person's current company's headquarters' location name.
Data Type String


  "job_company_location_name": "san francisco, california, united states"


Description The person's current company's headquarters' postal code.
Data Type String


  "job_company_location_postal_code": "94105"


Description The person's current company's headquarters' region.
Data Type String


  "job_company_location_region": "california"


Description The person's current company's headquarters' street address.
Data Type String


  "job_company_location_street_address": "455 market st"


Description The person's current company's name.
Data Type String


  "job_company_name": "people data labs"


Description The person's current company's size range.
Data Type Enum (String)


  "job_company_size": "51-200"


Description The person's current company's ticker.
Data Type String


  "job_company_ticker": "goog"


Description The cumulative amount of money raised in USD by the person’s current company during all publicly disclosed funding rounds.
Data Type Integer (> 0)


  "job_company_total_funding_raised": 55250000.0


Description The person's current company's Twitter URL.
Data Type String


  "job_company_twitter_url": ""


Description The person's current company's type.
Data Type Enum (String)


  "job_company_type": "public"


Description The person's current company's website.
Data Type String


  "job_company_website": ""

Current Job

These fields describe the person's most recent work experience.


Description The inferred salary range (USD) for the person's current job.
Data Type Enum (String)

Field Details

Must be one of our Canonical Inferred Salary Ranges.


  "inferred_salary": "70,000-85,000"


Description The timestamp that reflects when the top-level job information changed.
Data Type String (Date)

Field Details

An update is the time when the current employment information is modified in the record.


Limitations of Observed Data

This field reflects observed data. This means that this timestamp will reflect the date when updates were propagated into our data build from our data sources, and may contain some lag time compared to real-life events. For example, if User A changed their job on October 1, 2023, but did not update that publicly until December 1, 2023, our timestamp for job_last_changed will be December.


  "job_last_changed": "2023-12-01"


Description The timestamp that reflects when the top level job information was last validated by a data source.
Data Type String (Date)

Field Details

An update is the time when the information in a record is validated through a data source. For more information how this timestamp is generated see: Experience & Location Updates


  "job_last_verified": "2024-01-05"


Description The O*NET Broad Occupation associated with the person’s current job title.
Data Type String


  "job_onet_broad_occupation": "Chief Executives"


Description The 8-digit O*NET code for the person’s current job title.
Data Type String

Field Details

The 8-digit O*NET code for the person’s current job title, following the 2018 SOC guidelines.


  "job_onet_code": "11-1011.00"


Description The O*NET Major Group associated with the person’s current job title.
Data Type String


  "job_onet_major_group": "Management Occupations"


Description The O*NET Minor Group associated with the person’s current job title.
Data Type String


  "job_onet_minor_group": "Top Executives"


Description The O*NET Specific Occupation associated with the person’s current job title.
Data Type String


  "job_onet_specific_occupation": "Chief Executives"


Description A more detailed job title classification than O*NET Specific Occupation.
Data Type String

Field Details

A more detailed job title for records where the specific occupation within O*NET's standard hierarchy isn't granular enough to accurately describe the job title.

For example, the highest level of granularity in O*NET for C-suite positions is Chief Executives. With this field, we can specify the type of executive role.


  "job_onet_specific_occupation_detail": "Chief Technology Officer"


Description The date the person started their current job.
Data Type String (Date)


  "job_start_date": "2015-03"


Description User-inputted summary of their current job.
Data Type String

Field Details

The summary is lowercased, but otherwise kept as-is from the raw source.


  "job_summary": "worked on the \"search analytics\" team to understand our users better"


Description The person's current job title.
Data Type String

Field Details

The person's current job title.


  "job_title": "co-founder and chief executive officer"


Description The expense line item category this employee would fall into.
Data Type Enum (String)

Field Details

Each class in the list will be one of our Canonical Job Title Classes.


  "job_title_class": "research_and_development"


Description The derived level(s) of the person's current job title.
Data Type Array [Enum (String)]

Field Details

Each level in the list will be one of our Canonical Job Title Levels.

Note: The cxo level is a catch-all for "Chief __ Officer" roles, so a CEO, CIO, CTO, etc. will all have job_title_levels: ["cxo"].


  "job_title_levels": ["cxo", "owner"]


Description The derived role of the person's current job title.
Data Type Enum (String)

Field Details

The value will be one of our Canonical Job Roles.


Major Update as of v29.1 (February 29.1)

In v29.1 (February 2024) we made significant improvements to our role and sub_role categorizations and updated many of the canonical values associated with these fields.

Please see our February 2025 Release Notes (v29.1)for further information.


  "job_title_role": "operations"


Description The derived subrole of the person's current job title.
Data Type Enum (String)

Field Details

The value will be one of our Canonical Job Sub Roles. Each subrole maps to a role. See for a complete mapping list.


Major Update as of v29.1 (February 29.1)

In v29.1 (February 2024) we made significant improvements to our role and sub_role categorizations and updated many of the canonical values associated with these fields.

Please see our February 2025 Release Notes (v29.1)for further information.


  "job_title_sub_role": "logistics"



Description The day the person was born.
Data Type String (Date)

Field Details

If this field exists, birth_year will agree with it.


  "birth_date": "1990-12-02"


Description The year the person was born.
Data Type Integer

Field Details

The approximated birth year associated with this person profile. If a profile has a birth_date, the birth_year field will match it.


  "birth_year": 1990



gender was renamed to sex in v26.0

In v26.0 (April 2024) we renamed this field from gender to sex, in accordance with legislative changes defining aspects of gender as sensitive personal data (which PDL does not process or output).

Please see our April 2024 Release Announcement (v26.0) for further information.

Description The person's sex.
Data Type Enum (String)

Field Details

The value will always be one of our Canonical Sex.


  "sex": "male"


Description Languages the person knows.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

The languages listed are based on user input, we do not verify them.

FieldData TypeDescription
nameEnum (String)The language. Must be one of our Canonical Languages.
proficiencyInteger (1-5)Self-ranked language proficiency from 1 (limited) to 5 (fluent).


Sort Order

Languages are sorted by proficiency first, followed by name, all in reverse order (highest proficiency first, Z→A):

  1. proficiency (highest first)
  2. name (Z→A)


  "languages": [
      "name": "english",
      "proficiency": 5



Description The person's education information.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

The education objects associated with this person profile, which, when output in CSV format, have indexing based on recency and associativity.

Each education object in the list will include the following data:

FieldData TypeDescription
degreesArray [Enum (String)]The degrees the person earned at the school. All values will be Canonical Education Degrees
end_dateString (Date)The date the person left the school. If the person is still at the school, will be null.
gpaFloatThe GPA the person earned at the school.
majorsArray [Enum (String)]All majors earned at the school. All values will be Canonical Education Majors.
minorsArray [Enum (String)]All minors earned at the school. All values will be Canonical Education Majors.
rawArray [String]Raw education data that was parsed into the degrees, majors, and minors fields.
schoolObjectThe school the person attended.
start_dateString (Date)The date the person started at the school.
summaryStringUser-inputted summary of their education.


Sort Order

Education entries are sorted first by start_date, then by end_date. If dates are identical, then sorting occurs by, followed by majors, minors and degrees, all in reverse order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. start_date(most recent first)
  2. end_date (most recent first)
  3. (Z→A)
  4. countriesmajors (Z→A)
  5. minors (Z→A)
  6. degrees (Z→A)

To tap into our school matching logic, use our School Cleaner API to retrieve possible school values.

FieldSub FieldData TypeDescription
domainStringThe primary website domain associated with the school.
facebook_urlStringThe school's Facebook URL
idStringThe NON-PERSISTENT ID for the school in our records.
linkedin_idStringThe school's LinkedIn ID
linkedin_urlStringThe school's LinkedIn URL
locationObjectThe location of the school. See Common Location Fields for detailed field descriptions.
continentEnum (String)
countryEnum (String)
nameStringThe name of the school.
rawArray [String]Raw school name.
twitter_urlStringThe school's Twitter URL
typeEnum (String)The school type. Will be one of our Canonical School Types.
websiteStringThe website URL associated with the school, which could include subdomains.


  "education": [
      "school": {
        "name": "university of oregon",
        "type": "post-secondary institution",
        "id": "64LkgfdwWYkCC2TjbldMDQ_0",
        "location": {
          "name": "eugene, oregon, united states",
          "locality": "eugene",
          "region": "oregon",
          "country": "united states",
          "continent": "north america"
        "linkedin_url": "",
        "linkedin_id": "19207",
        "facebook_url": "",
        "twitter_url": "",
        "website": "",
        "domain": "",
        "raw": [
          "university of oregon"
      "end_date": "2014",
      "start_date": "2010",
      "gpa": null,
      "degrees": [],
      "majors": [
      "minors": [],
      "raw": [
        "data analytics & entrepreneurship",
        ", entrepreneurship",
      "summary": "when i was at oregon i volunteered at a local homeless shelter 3 days a week"


For more information on our standard location fields, see


Description All countries associated with the person.
Data Type Array [Enum (String)]


Sort Order

Countries are sorted using location sort order, with any duplicate countries removed.

Location Sort Order

Locations are sorted by primary location first. The remaining locations are sorted by first_seen, last_seen, location_name, street_address, then address_line_2 in descending order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. Primary location first
  2. Sort by first_seen (most recent first)
  3. Sort by last_seen (most recent first)
  4. Sort by location_name (Z→A)
  5. Sort by street_address (Z→A)
  6. Sort by address_line_2 (Z→A)


  "countries": [
    "united states"


Description The person's current street address line 2.
Data Type String


  "location_address_line_2": "apartment 12"


Description The continent of the person's current address. One of our Canonical Continents.
Data Type Enum (String)


  "location_continent": "north america"


Description The country of the person's current address. One of our Canonical Countries.
Data Type Enum (String)


  "location_country": "united states"


Description The geo code of the city center of the person's current address.
Data Type String


  "location_geo": "37.87,-122.27"


Description The timestamp that a new data source contributed to the record for the person's current address.
Data Type String (Date)

Field Details

An update is the time when either new information is added to the record or existing information is validated.


  "location_last_updated": "2018-11-05"


Description The locality of the person's current address.
Data Type String


  "location_locality": "berkeley"


Description The metro of the person's current address. One of our Canonical Metros.
Data Type Enum (String)


  "location_metro": "san francisco, california"


Description The location of the person's current address.
Data Type String


  "location_name": "berkeley, california, united states"


Description All location names associated with the person.
Data Type Array [String]


Sort Order

Location names are sorted by location order with duplicate names removed

Location Sort Order

Locations are sorted by primary location first. The remaining locations are sorted by first_seen, last_seen, location_name, street_address, then address_line_2 in descending order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. Primary location first
  2. Sort by first_seen (most recent first)
  3. Sort by last_seen (most recent first)
  4. Sort by location_name (Z→A)
  5. Sort by street_address (Z→A)
  6. Sort by address_line_2 (Z→A)


  "location_names": [
    "berkeley, california, united states",
    "san francisco, california, united states"


Description The postal code of the person's current address.
Data Type String


  "location_postal_code": "94704"


Description The region of the person's current address.
Data Type String


  "location_region": "california"


Description The person's current street address.
Data Type String


  "location_street_address": "455 fake st"


Description All regions associated with the person.
Data Type Array [String]


Sort Order

Regions are sorted by location order, with any duplicate regions removed.

Location Sort Order

Locations are sorted by primary location first. The remaining locations are sorted by first_seen, last_seen, location_name, street_address, then address_line_2 in descending order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. Primary location first
  2. Sort by first_seen (most recent first)
  3. Sort by last_seen (most recent first)
  4. Sort by location_name (Z→A)
  5. Sort by street_address (Z→A)
  6. Sort by address_line_2 (Z→A)


  "regions": [
    "california, united states"


Description All street addresses associated with the person.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

Each address associated with the person will be added to this list as its own object.

In addition to the Common Location Fields, street_addresses will also include:

FieldData TypeDescription
first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record.
last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record.
num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record.


Sort Order

Street addresses are sorted by location order.

Location Sort Order

Locations are sorted by primary location first. The remaining locations are sorted by first_seen, last_seen, location_name, street_address, then address_line_2 in descending order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. Primary location first
  2. Sort by first_seen (most recent first)
  3. Sort by last_seen (most recent first)
  4. Sort by location_name (Z→A)
  5. Sort by street_address (Z→A)
  6. Sort by address_line_2 (Z→A)


  "street_addresses": [
      "name": "berkeley, california, united states",
      "locality": "berkeley",
      "metro": "san francisco, california",
      "region": "california",
      "country": "united states",
      "continent": "north america",
      "street_address": "455 fake st",
      "address_line_2": "apartment 12",
      "postal_code": "94704",
      "geo": "37.87,-122.27",
      "first_seen": "2017-06-02",
      "last_seen": "2019-07-18",
      "num_sources": 17

Lower Confidence Data

PDL values high confidence data that is very likely to be associated with a person. The data in these fields have lower confidence than the data used in other fields.


Description Birthdays associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence.
Data Type Array [String (Date)]

Field Details

The dates in this field use the same format as the birth_date field.


Sort Order

Possible birth dates are sorted by num_sources, last_seen, first_seen, birth_date, all in reverse order (highest first, most recent first):

  1. num_sources (highest first)
  2. last_seen (most recent first)
  3. first_seen (most recent first)
  4. birth_date (most recent first)


  "possible_birth_dates": [


Description Email addresses associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

This field uses the same format as the emails field.


Sort Order

Possible emails are sorted by last_seen, first_seen, email, all in reverse order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. last_seen (most recent first)
  2. first_seen (most recent first)
  3. email (Z→A)


  "possible_emails": [
      "address": "[email protected]",
      "type": null,
      "first_seen": "2021-06-13",
      "last_seen": "2021-06-13",
      "num_sources": 2


Description Locations associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence.
Data Type Array [String]

Field Details

This field uses the same format as the location_names field.

Possible locations are inferred based on phone area codes, university location, and other associations.


Sort Order

Possible locations are sorted by first_seen, last_seen,, all in reverse order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. first_seen (most recent first)
  2. last_seen (most recent first)
  3. (Z→A)


  "possible_location_names": [
    "berkeley, california, united states",
    "san francisco, california, united states"


Description Phone numbers associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

This field uses the same format as the phones field.


Sort Order

Possible phones are sorted by num_sources, last_seen, first_seen, all in reverse order and using the E.164 format (highest first, most recent first):

  1. num_sources (highest first)
  2. last_seen (most recent first)
  3. first_seen(most recent first)


  "possible_phones": [
      "number": "+15558675309",
      "first_seen": "2021-06-13",
      "last_seen": "2021-06-13",
      "num_sources": 2


Description Social profiles associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

This field uses the same format as the profiles field.


Sort Order

Possible profiles are sorted first by return status codes (200 > unknown > 404). The array is then sorted by number of profiles globally, last_seen, first_seen, username, id, all in reverse order (highest first, most recent first, Z→A):

  1. Status Codes:
    • Profiles with 200 return status codes are first
    • Profiles with unknown return status codes come next
    • Profiles with 404 return status codes are placed last
  2. Number of profiles globally (highest first)
  3. last_seen (most recent first)
  4. first_seen (most recent first)
  5. username (Z→A)
  6. id (Z→A)


  "possible_profiles": [
      "network": "linkedin",
      "id": "145991517",
      "url": "",
      "username": "seanthorne",
      "first_seen": "2021-06-13",
      "last_seen": "2021-06-13",
      "num_sources": 2


Description Addresses associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

This field uses the same format as the street_addresses field.


Sort Order

Possible street addresses are sorted by first_seen, last_seen,, location.street_address, location.address_line_2, all in reverse order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. first_seen (most recent first)
  2. last_seen (most recent first)
  3. (Z→A)
  4. location.street_address (Z→A)
  5. location.address_line_2 (Z→A)


  "possible_street_addresses": [
      "name": "berkeley, california, united states",
      "locality": "berkeley",
      "metro": "san francisco, california",
      "region": "california",
      "country": "united states",
      "continent": "north america",
      "street_address": "455 fake st",
      "address_line_2": "apartment 12",
      "postal_code": "94704",
      "geo": "37.87,-122.27",
      "first_seen": "2021-06-13",
      "last_seen": "2021-06-13",
      "num_sources": 2

Social Presence

We currently cover person social profiles on our Canonical Profile Networks. All profiles we've found for a person will be added to the profiles list.

Each social profile URL has one or more standard formats that we parse and turn into a standard PDL format for that social URL. We invalidate profiles that have non-valid person stubs (for example,, and we also have a blacklist of usernames that we know are invalid.

We do not validate if a URL is valid (that is, whether you can access it) because doing this at scale is considered a Direct Denial of Service (DDoS) attack and/or a form of crawling. This is highly discouraged! We try to mitigate invalid URLs as much as possible by using Entity Resolution (Merging) to link URLs together and then tagging the primary URL at the top level for key networks.


Description The number of Facebook friends the person has.
Data Type Integer (>= 0)


  "facebook_friends": 3912


Description The person's Facebook profile ID based on source agreement.
Data Type String


  "facebook_id": "1089351304"


Description The person's Facebook profile URL based on source agreement.
Data Type String


  "facebook_url": ""


Description The person's Facebook profile username based on source agreement.
Data Type String


  "facebook_username": "deseanthorne"


Description The person's GitHub profile URL based on source agreement.
Data Type String


  "github_url": ""


Description The person's GitHub profile username based on source agreement.
Data Type String


  "github_username": "deseanathan_thornolotheu"


Description The number of LinkedIn connections the person has.
Data Type Integer (>= 0)

Field Details

Typically between 0-500.


  "linkedin_connections": 432


Description The person's LinkedIn profile ID. This is null when no values in the "profiles" array are active.
Data Type String


  "linkedin_id": "145991517"


Description The person's current LinkedIn profile URL. This is null when no values in the "profiles" array are active.
Data Type String


  "linkedin_url": ""


Description The person's LinkedIn profile username. This is null when no values in the "profiles" array are active.
Data Type String


  "linkedin_username": "seanthorne"


Description Social profiles associated with the person.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

Each profile associated with the person will be added to this list as its own object.

FieldData TypeDescription
idStringThe profile ID (format varies based on social network).
first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record.
last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record.
networkEnum (String)The social network the profile is on. Must be one of our Canonical Profile Networks.
num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record.
urlStringThe profile URL.
usernameStringThe profile username.


Sort Order

Profiles are sorted with the primary profiles listed first (facebook, linkedin, twitter, and github, in that order). The rest of the array is then sorted by status codes (200 > unknown > 404), number of profiles globally, last_seen, first_seen, username, id, all in reverse order (highest first, most recent first, Z→A):

  1. Primary profiles first
    1. Facebook
    2. LinkedIn
    3. Twitter
    4. Github
  2. Status Codes:
    • Profiles with 200 return status codes are first
    • Profiles with unknown return status codes come next
    • Profiles with 404 return status codes are placed last
  3. Number of profiles globally (highest first)
  4. last_seen (most recent first)
  5. first_seen (most recent first)
  6. username (Z→A)
  7. id (Z→A)


  "profiles": [
      "network": "linkedin",
      "id": "145991517",
      "url": "",
      "username": "seanthorne",
      "first_seen": "2017-06-02",
      "last_seen": "2019-07-18",
      "num_sources": 17


Description The person's Twitter profile URL based on source agreement.
Data Type String


  "twitter_url": ""


Description The person's Twitter profile username based on source agreement.
Data Type String


  "twitter_username": "seanthorne5"

Work History


Description Any certifications the person has.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

The certifications listed are based on user input, we do not verify them.

FieldData TypeDescription
end_dateString (Date)The expiration date of the certification.
nameStringCertification name
organizationStringThe organization awarding the certification.
start_dateString (Date)The date the certification was awarded.


Sort Order

Certifications are sorted first by start_date, then by end_date and finally by name, all in reverse order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. start_date (most recent first)
  2. end_date (most recent first)
  3. name (Z→A)


  "certifications": [
      "name": "machine learning certification",
      "organization": "coursera",
      "start_date": "2022-03",
      "end_date": "2023-04"


Description The person's work experience.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

The experience object that is tagged as experience.is_primary = True is copied over to the flattened job_ fields (see Current Job and Current Company).

Each work experience object contains the following fields:

FieldData TypeDescription
companyObjectThe company where the person worked.
end_dateString (Date)The date the person left the company. If the person is still working for the company, will be null.
first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record.
last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record.
is_primaryBooleanWhether this is the person's current job or not. If true, this experience will be used to populate the job_ fields.
location_namesArray [String]Locations where the person has worked while with this company (if different from the company HQ).
num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record.
start_dateString (Date)The date the person started at the company.
summaryStringUser-inputted summary of their work experience.
titleObjectThe person's job title while at the company.


Sort Order

Experience entries are sorted with the primary experience first. The remaining entries are then sorted by start_date, end_date,, and, all in reverse order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. Primary Experience (is_primary = True )
  2. start_date (most recent first)
  3. end_date (most recent first)
  4. (Z→A)
  5. (Z→A)

The fields in map to the corresponding fields in our Company Schema. The same parsing and formatting logic apply.

FieldSub FieldData TypeDescription
facebook_urlStringThe company's Facebook URL
foundedInteger (> 0)The founding year of the company.
idStringThe company's PDL ID
industryEnum (String)The self-identified industry of the company. Must be one of the Canonical Industries.
linkedin_idStringThe company's LinkedIn ID
linkedin_urlStringThe company's LinkedIn URL
locationObjectThe location of the company's headquarters. See Common Location Fields for detailed field descriptions.
continentEnum (String)
countryEnum (String)
metroEnum (String)
nameStringThe company name, cleaned and standardized.
rawArray [String]Raw company name.
sizeEnum (String)The self-reported company size range. Must be one of our Canonical Company Sizes.
tickerStringThe company ticker. This field will only have a value if the company's type is public.
twitter_urlStringThe company's Twitter URL
typeEnum (String)The company type. Must be one of our Canonical Company Types.
websiteStringThe company's primary website, cleaned and standardized.

See the corresponding Current Job fields for more details on the information included and formatting of these fields.

FieldData TypeDescription
levelsArray [Enum (String)]Canonical Job Title Levels.
nameStringThe cleaned job title.
rawArray [String]Raw job title input.
roleEnum (String)One of the Canonical Job Roles.
sub_roleEnum (String)One of the Canonical Job Sub Roles.
classEnum (String)One of the Canonical Job Classes .


Sort Order (experience.title.levels)

Title levels are sorted from most important to least important based on the following ranking:

  1. cxo (first)
  2. owner
  3. vp
  4. director
  5. partner
  6. senior
  7. manager
  8. entry
  9. training
  10. unpaid (last)


  "experience": [
      "company": {
        "name": "people data labs",
        "size": "11-50",
        "id": "peopledatalabs",
        "founded": 2015,
        "industry": "computer software",
        "location": {
          "name": "san francisco, california, united states",
          "locality": "san francisco",
          "region": "california",
          "metro": "san francisco, california",
          "country": "united states",
          "continent": "north america",
          "street_address": "455 market street",
          "address_line_2": "suite 1670",
          "postal_code": "94105",
          "geo": "37.77,-122.41"
        "linkedin_url": "",
        "linkedin_id": "18170482",
        "facebook_url": "",
        "twitter_url": "",
        "website": "",
        "ticker": null,
        "type": "private",
        "raw": [
          "people data labs"
      "location_names": ["san francisco, california, united states"],
      "end_date": null,
      "start_date": "2015-03",
      "title": {
        "name": "chief executive officer and co-founder",
        "raw": [
          "co-founder & ceo",
          "co-founder & ceo",
          "co-founder and chief executive officer"
        "role": "operations",
        "sub_role": "executive",
        "class": "general_and_administrative"
        "levels": [
      "is_primary": true,
      "summary": "worked on the \"search analytics\" team to understand our users better",
      "first_seen": "2018-10-11",
      "last_seen": "2022-11-15",
      "num_sources": 17


Description The brief headline associated with a person profile.
Data Type String

Field Details

The self-written headline tied to the person profile (often a LinkedIn headline).

The summary is lowercased, but otherwise kept as-is from the raw source.


  "headline": "senior data engineer at people data labs"


Description The most relevant industry for this person based on their work history.
Data Type Enum (String)

Field Details

A person's industry is determined based on their tagged personal industries and the industries of the companies that they have worked for.

The value will be one of our Canonical Industries.


  "industry": "computer software"


Description The person's inferred years of total work experience.
Data Type Integer (0 - 100)

Field Details

The value will be between 0 and 100.


  "inferred_years_experience": 7


Description The person's self-reported interests.
Data Type Array [String]

Field Details

Each interest is cleaned (lowercased, stripped of whitespace, etc.). We don't have a canonical list of interests but we remove profanity and do some basic cleaning.


Sort Order

Interests are sorted alphabetically (from A→Z)


  "interests": [


Description Additional professional positions that may have been removed or changed on resumes.
Data Type Array [Object]

Field Details

Any additional job history information PDL has that is not included in the experience field.

Usually these are positions that have been removed or changed on resumes.

FieldData TypeDescription
company_idStringPDL Company ID
company_nameStringCompany Name
first_seenString (Date)The date that this experience was first associated with this record.
last_seenString (Date)The date that this experience was last associated with this record.
num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this profile with this record.
titleStringJob Title at this company.


Sort Order

Job history entries are sorted by start_date, end_date,, and, all in reverse order (most recent first, Z→A):

  1. start_date (most recent first)
  2. end_date (most recent first)
  3. (Z→A)
  4. (Z→A)


  "job_history": [
      "company_id": "OMdETRug8CpuRDWGkhQ35wx8CvVk",
      "company_name": "auntie annes",
      "title": "food service supervisor",
      "first_seen": "2016-05-17",
      "last_seen": "2020-05-30",
      "num_sources": 12


Description The person's self-reported skills.
Data Type Array [String]

Field Details

Each skill is cleaned (lowercased, stripped of whitespace, etc.). We do not always strip punctuation because it can be relevant for some skills (ex: "c++" vs "c").

We do not do any canonicalization, so "java" and "java 8.0" are considered separate skills. For this reason, we encourage our customers to use fuzzy text matching with the skills field.


Sort Order

Skills are sorted alphabetically (from A→Z)


  "skills": [


Description User-inputted personal summary.
Data Type String

Field Details

The self-written summary tied to the person profile (often a LinkedIn summary).

The summary is lowercased, but otherwise kept as-is from the raw source.


  "summary": "growth-hacker and digital nomad"

PDL Record Information & Metadata


Description The major or minor release number.
Data Type String

Field Details

This field currently exists in Person Enrichment API responses.

Note: This number corresponds to the data release number, not the API release number.


  "dataset_version": "19.2"


Description The date when this record was first created in our data.
Data Type String (Date)


  "first_seen": "2017-06-02"


Description The number of unique raw records contributing to this specific PDL profile.
Data Type Integer (> 0)


  "num_records": 420


Description The number of unique sources contributing to this specific PDL profile.
Data Type Integer (> 0)


  "num_sources": 72


Description An identifier for an operation in a Data License delivery, used for troubleshooting.
Data Type String

Field Details

This field exists only in Data License deliveries, and allows PDL employees to identify the timestamp and operations performed on the internal data in order to return a record in a delivery.


  "operation_id": "acee3bde2e1a2cb7e75c57b80d5b7bc2d5de5b02e7ea51f91304c28df77251dc"