Company Stats
This page provides field-level summary statistics for our Company Data.
Field Availability
Person Data
These fields are available in our paid company products and in our Person Data. They also exist in our Cleaner APIs.
Premium Field
Premium fields are fields that are not accessible by default in our company dataset.
Field | Count | Numeric | Fill Percentage | Person Data | Premium Field |
Total | 71,470,878 | 71470878 | 100.0% | ||
affiliated_profiles | 279,942 | 279942 | 0.4% | ||
all_subsidiaries | 43,311 | 43311 | 0.1% | T | |
alternative_domains | 6,009,780 | 6009780 | 8.4% | ||
alternative_names | 1,488,134 | 1488134 | 2.1% | ||
average_employee_tenure | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
average_tenure_by_level | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
average_tenure_by_role | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
dataset_version | 71,470,878 | 71470878 | 100.0% | ||
direct_subsidiaries | 43,164 | 43164 | 0.1% | T | |
display_name | 71,468,958 | 71468958 | 100.0% | ||
employee_churn_rate | 17,038,565 | 17038565 | 23.8% | T | |
employee_count | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | ||
employee_count_by_country | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | ||
employee_count_by_month | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
employee_count_by_month_by_level | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
employee_count_by_month_by_role | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
employee_count_by_role | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
employee_growth_rate | 17,038,565 | 17038565 | 23.8% | T | |
employee_growth_rate_12_month_by_role | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
facebook_url | 1,991,395 | 1991395 | 2.8% | T | |
founded | 13,603,837 | 13603837 | 19.0% | T | |
funding_details | 249,775 | 249775 | 0.3% | ||
funding_details.funding_currency | 182,368 | 182368 | 0.3% | ||
funding_details.funding_raised | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | ||
funding_details.funding_round_date | 249,775 | 249775 | 0.3% | ||
funding_details.funding_type | 249,775 | 249775 | 0.3% | ||
funding_details.investing_companies | 179,745 | 179745 | 0.3% | ||
funding_details.investing_individuals | 38,357 | 38357 | 0.1% | ||
funding_stages | 249,775 | 249775 | 0.3% | ||
gics_sector | 27,583 | 27583 | 0.0% | ||
gross_additions_by_month | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
gross_departures_by_month | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
headline | 12,670,798 | 12670798 | 17.7% | ||
id | 71,470,878 | 71470878 | 100.0% | T | |
immediate_parent | 114,389 | 114389 | 0.2% | T | |
industry | 45,785,520 | 45785520 | 64.1% | T | |
inferred_revenue | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
last_funding_date | 249,775 | 249775 | 0.3% | ||
latest_funding_stage | 249,775 | 249775 | 0.3% | ||
linkedin_follower_count | 19,397,999 | 19397999 | 27.1% | ||
linkedin_id | 71,470,878 | 71470878 | 100.0% | T | |
linkedin_slug | 71,470,878 | 71470878 | 100.0% | T | |
linkedin_url | 71,470,878 | 71470878 | 100.0% | T | |
location | 64,195,195 | 64195195 | 89.8% | ||
location.address_line_2 | 1,253,192 | 1253192 | 1.8% | T | |
location.continent | 64,195,195 | 64195195 | 89.8% | T | | | 64,195,080 | 64195080 | 89.8% | T | |
location.geo | 49,692,726 | 49692726 | 69.5% | T | |
location.locality | 50,354,324 | 50354324 | 70.5% | T | |
location.metro | 14,304,854 | 14304854 | 20.0% | T | | | 64,195,195 | 64195195 | 89.8% | T | |
location.postal_code | 16,671,047 | 16671047 | 23.3% | T | |
location.region | 55,702,413 | 55702413 | 77.9% | T | |
location.street_address | 18,954,477 | 18954477 | 26.5% | T | |
logo_url | 32,529,014 | 32529014 | 45.5% | ||
mic_exchange | 27,666 | 27666 | 0.0% | ||
naics | 8,382,404 | 8382404 | 11.7% | ||
name | 71,470,781 | 71470781 | 100.0% | T | |
number_funding_rounds | 249,775 | 249775 | 0.3% | ||
profiles | 71,470,878 | 71470878 | 100.0% | ||
recent_exec_departures | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
recent_exec_hires | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
sic | 7,375,975 | 7375975 | 10.3% | ||
size | 71,470,878 | 71470878 | 100.0% | T | |
summary | 23,583,143 | 23583143 | 33.0% | ||
tags | 9,208,208 | 9208208 | 12.9% | ||
ticker | 27,666 | 27666 | 0.0% | T | |
top_next_employers_by_role | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
top_previous_employers_by_role | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
top_us_employee_metros | 24,126,299 | 24126299 | 33.8% | T | |
total_funding_raised | 249,775 | 249775 | 0.3% | ||
twitter_url | 1,771,217 | 1771217 | 2.5% | T | |
type | 71,470,878 | 71470878 | 100.0% | T | |
ultimate_parent | 115,785 | 115785 | 0.2% | T | |
ultimate_parent_mic_exchange | 35,961 | 35961 | 0.1% | ||
ultimate_parent_ticker | 35,961 | 35961 | 0.1% | ||
website | 33,320,440 | 33320440 | 46.6% | T |
Stats shown are accurate as of data version 28.2
Updated about 2 months ago