Bulk Person Enrichment API

Enrich multiple Person profiles in one request


The Bulk Enrichment API provides a way to enrich multiple profiles using the Person Enrichment API in one request.


Bulk Enrichment vs Person Search

The Bulk Enrichment API is NOT the same as the Person Search API.

The Bulk Enrichment API is the same as calling the Person Enrichment API multiple times.

Use the Bulk Enrichment API when you want to get detailed profiles for a set of people you already know (such as getting the work history of each person in a list of job candidate emails). Use the Person Search API to find an undetermined number of people that match your search criteria (such as finding possible job candidates based on their work history).

Request Format

The endpoint for the bulk enrichment api is POST https://api.peopledatalabs.com/v5/person/bulk.

You can enrich up to 100 persons in a single request.


Known Limitations

While it is technically possible to submit up to 100 profiles in a single request, due to current infrastructure limitations we recommend the following:

  • Add Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate,br to your request header
  • Send up to 80 companies in a single request

Exceeding these recommendations may result in a 502 Gateway error.

The request body must contain an array called requests with 1-100 individual request objects, each containing a params object for each request's parameters.

Field NameDescriptionType
requestsAll requests to make in the bulk enrichment.Array [Object]
paramsThe parameters for a single enrichment call.Object
  "requests": [
      "params": {
      "params": {

See Input Parameters - Person Enrichment API for details on the supported Enrichment API parameters.

Response Format

Bulk Enrichment responses are a JSON Array of objects with the following fields:

Field NameDescriptionType
dataThe person response object.Object
statusThe HTTP status code.Integer
likelihoodThe likelihood score.Integer
metadataAny metadata that the user included in the request. [OPTIONAL]Object

Note: Metadata is on a per-request basis, and generally you should use it to connect requests to responses within a call. See this section for more information.

	{"status": 200, "likelihood": 10, "data": ...},
	{"status": 200, "likelihood": 10, "data": ...}

The order the objects appear in the response list is the same as the order of the params in the input requests array.

Each response contains an individual status code that shows whether the enrichment for that particular request was successful (200) or not. See Errors for a detailed breakdown on all possible status codes.

We will deduct the number of remaining Enrichment credits in your account by the number of 200 status responses in a Bulk Enrichment request as though you made each request individually.


import json

# See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-python
from peopledatalabs import PDLPY

# Create a client, specifying your API key
    api_key="YOUR API KEY",

# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {
   "required": "profiles",
   "include_if_matched": "True",
   "requests": [
           "params": {
               "profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"]
           "params": {
               "profile": ["linkedin.com/in/randrewn"]

# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_responses = CLIENT.person.bulk(**DATA).json()

# Iterate through the array of API responses
for response in json_responses:
  # Check for successful response
  if response['status'] == 200:

    record = response['data']

    # Print selected fields

    print(f"Successfully enriched profile with PDL data.")

    # Save enrichment data to JSON file
    with open(f"my_pdl_enrichment.{record['linkedin_username']}.jsonl", "w") as out:
      out.write(json.dumps(record) + "\n")
    print("Enrichment unsuccessful. See error and try again.")
    print("error:", response)
curl -X POST "https://api.peopledatalabs.com/v5/person/bulk" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: XXX' \
-d ' {
    "requests": [
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"],
    			"location": ["SF Bay Area"],
    			"name": ["Sean F. Thorne"]
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
    			"first_name": "Hayden",
    			"last_name": "Conrad"
// See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-js
import PDLJS from 'peopledatalabs';

import fs from 'fs';

// Create a client, specifying your API key
const PDLJSClient = new PDLJS({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY" });

// Create an array of parameters JSON objects
const records = {
  requests: [
      params: {
        profile: ['linkedin.com/in/seanthorne']
      params: {
        profile: ['linkedin.com/in/randrewn']

// Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
PDLJSClient.person.bulk(records).then((data) => {
    var record
    // Iterate through the array of API responses
    for (let response in data) {
        // Check for successful response
        if (data[response].status == 200) {
        	record = data[response].data
          // Print selected fields
        	console.log("Successfully enriched profile with PDL data.")
        	// Save enrichment data to JSON file
        	fs.writeFile(`my_pdl_enrichment.${record["linkedin_username"]}.jsonl`, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(record)), (err) => {
            	if (err) throw err;
        else {
        	console.log("Enrichment unsuccessful. See error and try again.")
}).catch((error) => {
    console.log("Enrichment unsuccessful. See error and try again.")
require 'json'

# See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-ruby
require 'peopledatalabs'

# Set your API key
Peopledatalabs.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'

# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {
   "requests": [
           "params": {
               "profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"]
           "params": {
               "profile": ["linkedin.com/in/randrewn"]

# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response = Peopledatalabs::Bulk.person(params: DATA)
items = json_response['items']

# Iterate through the array of API responses
items.each do |response|
    # Check for successful response
    if response['status'] == 200
        record = response['data']
        # Print selected fields
        puts \
            "#{record['work_email']} \
             #{record['full_name']} \
             #{record['job_title']} \
        puts "Successfully enriched profile with PDL data."
        # Save enrichment data to JSON file
        File.open("my_pdl_enrichment.#{record['linkedin_username']}.jsonl", "w") do |out|
            out.write(JSON.dump(record) + "\n")
        puts "Enrichment unsuccessful. See error and try again."
        puts "error: #{json_response}"
package main

import (

// See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go
import (
    pdl "github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go"
    pdlmodel "github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go/model"

func main() {
    // Set your API key
    apiKey := "YOUR API KEY"
    // Set API key as environmental variable
    // apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")

    // Create a client, specifying your API key
    client := pdl.New(apiKey)
    // Create an array of parameters JSON objects
    params := pdlmodel.BulkEnrichPersonParams {
        Requests: []pdlmodel.BulkEnrichSinglePersonParams {
                Params: pdlmodel.PersonParams {
                    Profile:  []string{"linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"},
                Params: pdlmodel.PersonParams {
                    Profile:  []string{"linkedin.com/in/randrewn"},

    // Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
    responses, err := client.Person.BulkEnrich(context.Background(), params)
    // Iterate through the array of API responses
    for _, response := range responses {
        // Check for successful response
        if err == nil {
            // Convert the API response to JSON
            jsonResponse, jsonErr := json.Marshal(response.Data)
            if jsonErr == nil {
                var record map[string]interface{}
                json.Unmarshal(jsonResponse, &record)
                // Print selected fields
                fmt.Println("Successfully enriched profile with PDL data.")
                // Save enrichment data to JSON file
                out, outErr := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("my_pdl_enrichment.%s.jsonl", record["linkedin_username"]))
                defer out.Close()
                if outErr == nil {
                    out.WriteString(string(jsonResponse) + "\n")
   	    } else {
            fmt.Println("Enrichment unsuccessful. See error and try again.")
            fmt.Println("error:", err)

import requests
import json

# Set your API key

# Pass your API key in header
   'X-Api-Key': API_KEY,
   'Content-Type': 'application/json',
# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {
   "requests": [
           "params": {
               "profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"]
           "params": {
               "profile": ["linkedin.com/in/randrewn"]

# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API using POST method
json_responses = requests.post(
# Iterate through the array of API responses
for response in json_responses:
  # Check for successful response
  if response["status"] == 200:

    record = response['data']

    # Print selected fields

    print(f"Successfully enriched profile with PDL data.")

    # Save enrichment data to JSON file
    with open(f"my_pdl_enrichment.{record['linkedin_username']}.jsonl", "w") as out:
      out.write(json.dumps(record) + "\n")
    print("Enrichment unsuccessful. See error and try again.")
    print("error:", response)

Tracking Responses

The API always returns response objects in the same order as they were defined in the requests array. You can also add an optional metadata object to each request, containing any information specific to that request. If you define metadata in a request object, the API will return it unchanged in that request's corresponding response object:

import json

# See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-python
from peopledatalabs import PDLPY

# Create a client, specifying your API key
    api_key="YOUR API KEY",

# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {
    "required": "profiles",
    "include_if_matched": "True",
    "requests": [
    		# Include metadata object
    		"metadata": {
    			"user_id": "123"
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"],
    			"location": ["SF Bay Area"],
    			"name": ["Sean F. Thorne"]
    		# Include metadata object
    		"metadata": {
    			"user_id": "345"
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
    			"first_name": "Hayden",
    			"last_name": "Conrad"

# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response = CLIENT.person.bulk(**DATA).json()

# Print the API response
curl -X POST "https://api.peopledatalabs.com/v5/person/bulk" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: XXX' \
-d ' {
    "requests": [
    		"metadata": {
    			"user_id": "123"
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"],
    			"location": ["SF Bay Area"],
    			"name": ["Sean F. Thorne"]
    		"metadata": {
    			"user_id": "345"
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
    			"first_name": "Hayden",
    			"last_name": "Conrad"
// See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-js
import PDLJS from 'peopledatalabs';

// Create a client, specifying your API key
const PDLJSClient = new PDLJS({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY" });

// Create an array of parameters JSON objects
const records = {
  requests: [
      // Include metadata object
      metadata: {
        user_id: "123"
      params: {
        profile: ['linkedin.com/in/seanthorne'],
  			location: "SF Bay Area",
  			name: "Sean F Thorne"
      // Include metadata object
      metadata: {
        user_id: "345"
      params: {
        profile: ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
        first_name: "Hayden",
        last_name: "Conrad"

// Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
PDLJSClient.person.bulk(records).then((data) => {
  // Print the API response
}).catch((error) => {
require 'json'

# See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-ruby
require 'peopledatalabs'

# Set your API key
Peopledatalabs.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'

# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {
    "requests": [
    		# Include metadata object
    		"metadata": {
    			"user_id": "123"
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"],
    			"location": ["SF Bay Area"],
    			"name": ["Sean F. Thorne"]
    		# Include metadata object
    		"metadata": {
    			"user_id": "345"
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
    			"first_name": "Hayden",
    			"last_name": "Conrad"

# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response = Peopledatalabs::Bulk.person(params: DATA)

# Print the API response
puts JSON.dump(json_response)
package main

import (

// See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go
import (
    pdl "github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go"
    pdlmodel "github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go/model"

func main() {
    // Set your API key
    apiKey := "YOUR API KEY"
    // Set API key as environmental variable
    // apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")

    // Create a client, specifying your API key
    client := pdl.New(apiKey)
    // Create an array of parameters JSON objects
    params := pdlmodel.BulkEnrichPersonParams {
        Requests: []pdlmodel.BulkEnrichSinglePersonParams {
                // Include metadata object
                Metadata: map[string]string {
                    "user_id": "123",
                Params: pdlmodel.PersonParams {
                    Profile:  []string{"linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"},
                    Location:  []string{"SF Bay Area"},
                    Name:  []string{"Sean F. Thorne"},
                // Include metadata object
                Metadata: map[string]string {
                    "user_id": "345",
                Params: pdlmodel.PersonParams {
                    Profile:  []string{"https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"},
                    FirstName:  []string{"Hayden"},
                    LastName:  []string{"Conrad"},

    // Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
    response, err := client.Person.BulkEnrich(context.Background(), params)
    // Check for successful response
    if err == nil {
        // Convert the API response to JSON
        data, jsonErr := json.Marshal(response)
        // Print the API response
        if (jsonErr == nil) {
import requests
import json

# Pass your API key in header
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  	'X-api-key': 'YOUR API KEY'

# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {
    "requests": [
    		# Include metadata object
    		"metadata": {
    			"user_id": "123"
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"],
    			"location": ["SF Bay Area"],
    			"name": ["Sean F. Thorne"]
    		# Include metadata object
    		"metadata": {
    			"user_id": "345"
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
    			"first_name": "Hayden",
    			"last_name": "Conrad"

# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response = requests.post(

# Print the API response
	{"metadata": {"user_id": "123"}, "status": 200, "likelihood": 10, "data": ...},
	{"metadata": {"user_id": "345"}, "status": 200, "likelihood": 10, "data": ...}

Global Filtering and Formatting

You can define any of the response filtering or formatting parameters documented in the Input Parameters - Person Enrichment API page globally for all request objects.

Any response filtering and formatting parameters that you define within in an individual params object will override those defined in the global request body.

import json

# See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-python
from peopledatalabs import PDLPY

# Create a client, specifying your API key
    api_key="YOUR API KEY",

# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {
	# Set global filter
	"required": "emails AND profiles",
	"requests": [
			"params": {
				"profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"],
				"location": ["SF Bay Area"],
				"name": ["Sean F. Thorne"]
			"params": {
				"profile": ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
				"first_name": "Hayden",
				"last_name": "Conrad"

# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response = CLIENT.person.bulk(**DATA).json()

# Print the API response
curl -X POST "https://api.peopledatalabs.com/v5/person/bulk" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: XXX' \
-d ' {
	"required": "emails AND profiles",
	"requests": [
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"],
    			"location": ["SF Bay Area"],
    			"name": ["Sean F. Thorne"]
    		"params": {
    			"profile": ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
    			"first_name": "Hayden",
    			"last_name": "Conrad"
// See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-js
import PDLJS from 'peopledatalabs';

// Create a client, specifying your API key
const PDLJSClient = new PDLJS({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY" });

// Create an array of parameters JSON objects
const records = {
  // Set global filter
  required: "emails AND profiles",
  requests: [
      params: {
        profile: ['linkedin.com/in/seanthorne'],
  			location: "SF Bay Area",
  			name: "Sean F Thorne"
      params: {
        profile: ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
        first_name: "Hayden",
        last_name: "Conrad"

// Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
PDLJSClient.person.bulk(records).then((data) => {
  // Print the API response
}).catch((error) => {
require 'json'

# See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-ruby
require 'peopledatalabs'

# Set your API key
Peopledatalabs.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'

# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {
	# Set global filter
	"required": "emails AND profiles",
	"requests": [
			"params": {
				"profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"],
				"location": ["SF Bay Area"],
				"name": ["Sean F. Thorne"]
			"params": {
				"profile": ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
				"first_name": "Hayden",
				"last_name": "Conrad"

# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response = Peopledatalabs::Bulk.person(params: DATA)

# Print the API response
puts JSON.dump(json_response)
package main

import (

// See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go
import (
    pdl "github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go"
    pdlmodel "github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go/model"

func main() {
    // Set your API key
    apiKey := "YOUR API KEY"
    // Set API key as environmental variable
    // apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")

    // Create a client, specifying your API key
    client := pdl.New(apiKey)
    // Create an array of parameters JSON objects
    params := pdlmodel.BulkEnrichPersonParams {
        // Set global filter
        Required: "emails AND profiles",
        Requests: []pdlmodel.BulkEnrichSinglePersonParams {
                Params: pdlmodel.PersonParams {
                    Profile:  []string{"linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"},
                    Location:  []string{"SF Bay Area"},
                    Name:  []string{"Sean F. Thorne"},
                 Params: pdlmodel.PersonParams {
                    Profile:  []string{"https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"},
                    FirstName:  []string{"Hayden"},
                    LastName:  []string{"Conrad"},

    // Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
    response, err := client.Person.BulkEnrich(context.Background(), params)
    // Check for successful response
    if err == nil {
        // Convert the API response to JSON
        data, jsonErr := json.Marshal(response)
        // Print the API response
        if (jsonErr == nil) {
import requests
import json

# Pass your API key in header
	'Content-Type': 'application/json',
	'X-api-key': 'YOUR API KEY'

# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {
	# Set global filter
	"required": "emails AND profiles",
	"requests": [
			"params": {
				"profile": ["linkedin.com/in/seanthorne"],
				"location": ["SF Bay Area"],
				"name": ["Sean F. Thorne"]
			"params": {
				"profile": ["https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydenconrad/"],
				"first_name": "Hayden",
				"last_name": "Conrad"

# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response = requests.post(

# Print the API response

Malformed, Unauthenticated, or Throttled Requests

Any malformed, unauthenticated, or throttled requests will return errors in the same format as documented in the Errors page.

import json

# See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-python
from peopledatalabs import PDLPY

# Create a client, specifying your API key
    api_key="YOUR API KEY",

# Create a parameters JSON object without a requests array
DATA = {"required": "names"}

# Catch exception when passing the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
    json_response = CLIENT.person.bulk(**DATA).json()
except Exception as err:
curl -X POST "https://api.peopledatalabs.com/v5/person/bulk" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: XXX' \
-d ' {
	"required": "names"
// See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-js
import PDLJS from 'peopledatalabs';

// Create a client, specifying your API key
const PDLJSClient = new PDLJS({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY" });

// Create a parameters JSON object without a requests array
const records = {
  required: "names"

// Catch exception when passing the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
PDLJSClient.person.bulk(records).then((data) => {
}).catch((error) => {
require 'json'

# See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-ruby
require 'peopledatalabs'

# Set your API key
Peopledatalabs.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'

# Create a parameters JSON object without a requests array
DATA = {"required": "names"}

# Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response = Peopledatalabs::Bulk.person(params: DATA)

# Check for error
if json_response['status'] != 200
    puts json_response['error']['message']
package main

import (

// See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go
import (
    pdl "github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go"
    pdlmodel "github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go/model"

func main() {
    // Set your API key
    apiKey := "YOUR API KEY"
    // Set API key as environmental variable
    // apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")

    // Create a client, specifying your API key
    client := pdl.New(apiKey)
    // Create a parameters JSON object without a requests array
    data := pdlmodel.BulkEnrichPersonParams {
        Required: "names",

    // Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
    response, err := client.Person.BulkEnrich(context.Background(), data)
    // Check for error
    if err == nil {
    } else {
        message, jsonErr := json.Marshal(err)
        if jsonErr == nil {
import requests
import json

# Pass your API key in header
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  	'X-api-key': 'YOUR API KEY'

# Create a parameters JSON object without a requests array
DATA = {"required": "names"}

# Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
response = requests.post(

# Print error
    "status": 400,
    "error": {
        "type": "invalid_request_error",
        "message": "Request object must contain `requests` field"