Education Majors
Canonical Values for Education Majors |
3d modelling |
3d modelling and animation |
accountancy |
accounting |
acting |
actuarial science |
addiction counseling |
administration |
administration of justice |
advertising |
aerospace and aeronautical engineering |
aerospace engineering |
african american studies |
african culture |
african language |
african language and culture |
african language and literature |
african language studies |
african languages |
african literature |
african literature and culture |
african studies |
africana studies |
africana study |
afrikaans |
afrikaans culture |
afrikaans language |
afrikaans language and culture |
afrikaans language and literature |
afrikaans language studies |
afrikaans languages |
afrikaans literature |
afrikaans literature and culture |
afrikaans studies |
agricultural economics |
agricultural engineering |
agriculture |
agriculture production |
agriculture production and management |
agronomy |
airway science |
american history |
american indian studies |
american literature |
american sign language |
american studies |
anatomy |
ancient civilizations |
anesthesiology |
animal behavior |
animal bioscience |
animal science |
animation |
anthropology |
anthropology and archeology |
apparel and merchandising |
apparel and textiles |
apparel design |
applied digital art |
applied economics |
applied graphic design |
applied linguistics |
applied mathematics |
applied physics |
applied psychology |
applied science |
applied statistics |
aquaculture |
aquatics |
arabic |
arabic culture |
arabic language |
arabic language and culture |
arabic language and literature |
arabic language studies |
arabic languages |
arabic literature |
arabic literature and culture |
arabic studies |
archeology |
architectural engineering |
architectural tech |
architecture |
architecture and engineering |
area ethnic and civilization studies |
art |
art and design |
art and music education |
art education |
art history |
art therapy |
asian american studies |
asian studies |
astrology |
astronomy |
astronomy and astrophysics |
astrophysics |
atmospheric science |
atmospheric science and meteorology |
audiology |
automotive mechanics |
aviation |
avionic systems |
avionics |
avionics maintenance |
baking |
baking and pastry art |
balkan culture |
balkan language |
balkan language and culture |
balkan language and literature |
balkan language studies |
balkan languages |
balkan literature |
balkan literature and culture |
balkan studies |
ballet |
baltic culture |
baltic language |
baltic language and culture |
baltic language and literature |
baltic language studies |
baltic languages |
baltic literature |
baltic literature and culture |
baltic studies |
banking |
behavioral science |
behavioural science |
biblical preaching |
biblical studies |
biobehavioral health |
biochemical engineering |
biochemical science |
biochemistry |
bioengineering |
bioinformatics |
biological engineering |
biological science |
biology |
biomedical engineering |
biomedical science |
biophysics |
biotechnology |
botany |
brass instruments |
british literature |
broadcast and cinematic art |
broadcast journalism |
broadcasting |
buddhist studies |
bulgarian |
bulgarian culture |
bulgarian language |
bulgarian language and culture |
bulgarian language and literature |
bulgarian language studies |
bulgarian languages |
bulgarian literature |
bulgarian literature and culture |
bulgarian studies |
business |
business admin |
business administration |
business administration and management |
business and medical administration |
business economics |
business finance |
business law |
business management |
business management and administration |
business marketing |
business studies |
celtic studies |
ceramics |
chemical engineering |
chemistry |
chicano |
chicano culture |
chicano studies |
child and adolescent development |
child development |
chinese |
chinese culture |
chinese language |
chinese language and culture |
chinese language and literature |
chinese language studies |
chinese languages |
chinese literature |
chinese literature and culture |
chinese studies |
choral conducting |
choral maintenance tech |
christian administration |
christian doctorine |
christian preaching |
civil engineering |
classical culture |
classical language |
classical language and culture |
classical language and literature |
classical language studies |
classical languages |
classical literature |
classical literature and culture |
classical studies |
classics |
clinical nurse |
clinical nursing |
clinical psychology |
coaching |
cognitive science |
cognitive science and biopsychology |
college student affairs |
commerce |
commercial art |
commercial science |
commercial studies |
communication |
communication art |
communication disorders science and services |
communication management |
communication studies |
communication tech |
communications |
communications and media studies |
community |
community and public health |
community development |
comp lit |
comp sci |
comparative literature |
comparative race and ethnic studies |
comparative religious studies |
composition |
composition and rhetoric |
computer |
computer administration management and security |
computer and information science |
computer and information systems |
computer application |
computer applications |
computer engineering |
computer graphics |
computer information systems |
computer networking and telecommunications |
computer programming |
computer programming and data processing |
computer science |
computer science and electrical engineering |
computer science and engineering |
computer science and mathematics |
computer systems |
computer systems engineering |
computer systems management |
computer tech |
conducting |
conflict resolution |
construction |
construction and land development |
construction management |
construction services |
consulting |
consulting and sales |
consumer science |
corporate finance |
corporate law |
corrections |
cosmetology |
cosmetology services and culinary art |
counseling |
counseling psychology |
court reporting |
creative writing |
criminal justice |
criminal justice and fire protection |
criminology |
culinary art |
culinary arts |
curriculum and instruction |
curriculum supervision |
customer service |
customer service management |
cybersecurity |
czech |
czech culture |
czech language |
czech language and culture |
czech language and literature |
czech language studies |
czech languages |
czech literature |
czech literature and culture |
czech studies |
dance |
dance performance |
danish |
danish culture |
danish language |
danish language and culture |
danish language and literature |
danish language studies |
danish languages |
danish literature |
danish literature and culture |
danish studies |
data science |
demography |
dental hygiene |
dental tech |
dentistry |
design |
digital art |
digital video |
digital video and cinema |
digital visual effects |
disability studies |
distribution management |
diversity studies |
divinity |
documentary production |
drama |
drama and theater art |
drawing |
drug development |
dutch |
dutch culture |
dutch language |
dutch language and culture |
dutch language and literature |
dutch language studies |
dutch languages |
dutch literature |
dutch literature and culture |
dutch studies |
early childhood education |
earth science |
east asian studies |
ecology |
economics |
education |
educational administration and supervision |
educational psychology |
electrical engineering |
electrical engineering and computer science |
electrical engineering tech |
electronics |
electronics engineering |
elementary education |
energy |
energy and climate policy |
energy and enviornmental analysis |
engineering |
engineering and industrial management |
engineering mechanics physics and science |
engineering tech |
english |
english as a second language |
english culture |
english language |
english language and culture |
english language and literature |
english language arts |
english language studies |
english languages |
english literature |
english literature and culture |
english studies |
entomology |
entrepreneurial studies |
entrepreneurship |
environmental |
environmental and geotechnical engineering |
environmental engineering |
environmental science |
environmental studies |
epidemiology |
ethics |
european civilization |
european history |
european modern languages |
european studies |
event planning |
exercise and sport science |
exercise science |
family |
family and community services |
family and consumer science |
family science |
family therapy |
fashion |
fashion design |
feminine spirituality |
feminine studies |
film |
film and television |
film directing |
film photography |
film photography and visual art |
film video and photographic art |
finance |
finance and marketing |
financial accounting |
financial economics |
financial engineering |
financial forensics |
financial forensics and fraud investigation |
financial management |
fine |
fine and studio art |
fine art |
fine arts |
finnish |
finnish culture |
finnish language |
finnish language and culture |
finnish language and literature |
finnish language studies |
finnish languages |
finnish literature |
finnish literature and culture |
finnish studies |
fisheries |
fisheries and wildlife science |
flute |
flute performance |
folklore |
folklore studies |
food |
food and nutritional science |
food preparation |
food safety |
food science |
foreign relations |
foreign studies |
forensic chemistry |
forensic computing |
forensic science |
forensics |
forest science |
forest tech |
forestry |
francophone studies |
french |
french culture |
french language |
french language and culture |
french language and literature |
french language studies |
french languages |
french literature |
french literature and culture |
french pastry |
french studies |
fundraising |
fundraising and grantmaking |
game design |
gay and lesbian studies |
gay lesbian studies |
gender and diversity studies |
gender and womens studies |
gender studies |
general agriculture |
general business |
general education |
general engineering |
general medical and health services |
general science |
general social science |
general studies |
genetics |
genomics |
geochemistry |
geography |
geological and geophysical engineering |
geology |
geology and earth science |
geophysics |
geoscience |
geosciences |
geotechnical engineering |
german |
german culture |
german language |
german language and culture |
german language and literature |
german language studies |
german languages |
german literature |
german literature and culture |
german studies |
global health |
global history |
global studies |
government |
government and management |
government and politics |
graphic and printing |
graphic and printing science |
graphic art |
graphic design |
greek |
greek culture |
greek language |
greek language and culture |
greek language and literature |
greek language studies |
greek languages |
greek literature |
greek literature and culture |
greek mythology |
greek studies |
gynecology |
health administration |
health and medical administrative services |
health and medical preparatory programs |
health care |
health care administration |
health education |
health education teaching |
health medical professions |
health promotion |
health science |
health service administration |
health services |
healthcare |
healthcare administration |
hebrew |
hebrew culture |
hebrew language |
hebrew language and culture |
hebrew language and literature |
hebrew language studies |
hebrew languages |
hebrew literature |
hebrew literature and culture |
hebrew studies |
hindi |
hindi culture |
hindi language |
hindi language and culture |
hindi language and literature |
hindi language studies |
hindi languages |
hindi literature |
hindi literature and culture |
hindi studies |
hindu |
hindu studies |
historic preservation |
history |
holocaust studies |
homeland security |
horticulture |
hospitality |
hospitality and tourism |
hospitality management |
hotel management |
human development |
human physiology |
human relations |
human resource development |
human resource management |
human resources |
human resources and personnel management |
human resources management |
human services |
human services and community organization |
humanities |
hungarian |
hungarian culture |
hungarian language |
hungarian language and culture |
hungarian language and literature |
hungarian language studies |
hungarian languages |
hungarian literature |
hungarian literature and culture |
hungarian studies |
illustration |
illustraton |
immunology |
indonesian |
indonesian and malay languages |
indonesian culture |
indonesian language |
indonesian language and culture |
indonesian language and literature |
indonesian language studies |
indonesian languages |
indonesian literature |
indonesian literature and culture |
indonesian studies |
industrial administration |
industrial and manufacturing engineering |
industrial and organizational psychology |
industrial design |
industrial engineering |
industrial engineering and operations research |
industrial production tech |
industrial relations |
industrial safety |
industrial sales |
industrial tech |
informatics |
information science |
information science and agronomy |
information science and tech |
information systems |
information systems management |
information tech |
instructional tech |
interactive media |
intercultural and international studies |
interdisciplinary social science |
interdisciplinary studies |
international affairs |
international business |
international commerce |
international communications |
international development |
international development and conflict management |
international economic relations |
international economics |
international finance |
international law |
international relations |
international studies |
investment analysis |
investment banking |
irish studies |
islamic culture |
islamic religion |
islamic studies |
italian |
italian culture |
italian language |
italian language and culture |
italian language and literature |
italian language studies |
italian languages |
italian literature |
italian literature and culture |
italian studies |
japanese |
japanese culture |
japanese language |
japanese language and culture |
japanese language and literature |
japanese language studies |
japanese languages |
japanese literature |
japanese literature and culture |
japanese studies |
jazz |
jazz performance |
journalism |
judaic studies |
kinesiology |
korean |
korean culture |
korean language |
korean language and culture |
korean language and literature |
korean language studies |
korean languages |
korean literature |
korean literature and culture |
korean studies |
labor relations |
labor studies |
landscape architecture |
landscaping |
landscaping and groundskeeping |
language and drama education |
latin |
latin american and caribbean studies |
latin american studies |
law |
law enforcement |
law enforcement executive development |
leadership |
legal administration |
legal studies |
lgbtq studies |
liberal art |
liberal arts |
liberal studies |
library science |
linguistics |
linguistics and comparative language and literature |
literature |
liturgical studies |
logic |
logistics |
management |
management information systems and statistics |
management science |
management studies |
mandarin |
mandarin chinese |
mandarin culture |
mandarin language |
mandarin language and culture |
mandarin language and literature |
mandarin language studies |
mandarin languages |
mandarin literature |
mandarin literature and culture |
mandarin studies |
marine biology |
marine science |
marketing |
masonry |
mass media |
materials engineering |
materials engineering and materials science |
materials science |
mathematical modeling |
mathematical science |
mathematics |
mechanical engineering |
mechanical engineering related tech |
mechanical tech |
mechatronics |
mechatronics and automation |
mechatronics engineering |
media art |
media art and entertainment |
media management |
media studies |
medical assisting services |
medical biology |
medical engineering |
medical insurance |
medical tech |
medicine |
medieval and renaissance studies |
medieval studies |
metallurgical engineering |
metaphysics |
meteorology |
microbiology |
middle eastern studies |
military science |
military tech |
mining |
mining and mineral engineering |
mining engineering |
ministry |
modern art |
modern languages |
molecular biology |
molecular biophysics |
multicultural studies |
multimedia |
multimedia journalism |
music |
music education |
mythology |
mythology and folklore |
nanotechnology |
native american studies |
natural resource conservation |
natural resources conservation |
natural resources management |
natural science |
naval architecture |
naval architecture and marine engineering |
naval architecture and ocean engineering |
near and middle eastern studies |
near eastern studies |
network administration |
network and systems administration |
neuroscience |
norwegian |
norwegian culture |
norwegian language |
norwegian language and culture |
norwegian language and literature |
norwegian language studies |
norwegian languages |
norwegian literature |
norwegian literature and culture |
norwegian studies |
nuclear engineering |
nuclear propulsion |
number theory |
nursing |
nursing administration |
nutrition |
nutrition science |
nutritional science |
occupational health |
occupational health and safety |
occupational safety |
occupational safety engineering |
occupational therapy |
oceanography |
operations logistics |
operations logistics and e-commerce |
operations management |
optometry |
orchestral conducting |
organ performance |
organic chemistry |
organization administration |
organizational and professional communications |
organizational communications |
organizational leadership |
organizational management |
orthodontics |
painting |
paleontology |
paralegal |
paralegal studies |
parks |
parks and recreation |
parks recreation and leisure studies |
percussion |
performing art |
performing arts |
petroleum engineering |
petroleum geoscience |
petroleum tech |
pharmaceutical administration |
pharmaceutical development |
pharmaceutical science |
pharmacology |
pharmacy |
philosophy |
photography |
physical |
physical activity |
physical and health education teaching |
physical education |
physical fitness parks recreation and leisure |
physical science |
physical therapy |
physics |
physiology |
physiotherapy |
piano |
piano performace |
piano performance |
planetary |
planetary and atmospheric science |
plant science |
plant science and agronomy |
playwriting |
poetry |
police science |
political development |
political science |
political science and government |
politics |
poly sci |
portuguese |
portuguese culture |
portuguese language |
portuguese language and culture |
portuguese language and literature |
portuguese language studies |
portuguese languages |
portuguese literature |
portuguese literature and culture |
portuguese studies |
pre dental |
pre law |
pre law and legal studies |
pre med |
pre optometry |
pre orthodontics |
prelaw |
premed |
premedicine |
product design |
product marketing |
production tech |
project management |
psychology |
public admin |
public administration |
public affairs |
public health |
public law |
public policy |
public relations |
public service |
public service and administration |
publishing |
puppetry |
quality improvement |
queer studies |
rabbinic studies |
rabbinical studies |
radio broadcasting |
radiology |
real estate |
recording art |
recording arts |
recreation |
recreation administration |
regional planning |
religious education |
religious studies |
retail |
rhetoric |
robotics |
russian |
russian culture |
russian language |
russian language and culture |
russian language and literature |
russian language studies |
russian languages |
russian literature |
russian literature and culture |
russian studies |
scandinavian |
scandinavian culture |
scandinavian language |
scandinavian language and culture |
scandinavian language and literature |
scandinavian language studies |
scandinavian languages |
scandinavian literature |
scandinavian literature and culture |
scandinavian studies |
school student counseling |
science and computer teacher education |
science information |
science tech |
science tech and society |
screen art and cultures |
screen writing |
screenwriting |
sculpture |
secondary teacher education |
semiconductor manufacturing |
serbian |
serbian culture |
serbian language |
serbian language and culture |
serbian language and literature |
serbian language studies |
serbian languages |
serbian literature |
serbian literature and culture |
serbian studies |
slavic culture |
slavic language |
slavic language and culture |
slavic language and literature |
slavic language studies |
slavic languages |
slavic literature |
slavic literature and culture |
slavic studies |
social psychology |
social science |
social sciences |
social services |
social studies |
social work |
sociology |
software development |
software engineering |
soil science |
sommelier |
spanish |
spanish culture |
spanish language |
spanish language and culture |
spanish language and literature |
spanish language studies |
spanish languages |
spanish literature |
spanish literature and culture |
spanish studies |
special education |
special needs education |
speech and hearing science |
speech communications |
speech language pathology |
speech pathology |
speech science |
sport administration |
sport communications |
sport management |
sport philosophy |
sport psychology |
sports and fitness |
sports management |
statistics |
statistics and decision science |
stringed instruments |
studio art |
studio arts |
supply chain management |
sustainability |
sustainability management |
sustainability studies |
swedish |
swedish culture |
swedish language |
swedish language and culture |
swedish language and literature |
swedish language studies |
swedish languages |
swedish literature |
swedish literature and culture |
swedish studies |
talmudic studies |
taxidermy |
teacher education |
teaching |
telecom |
telecom and electronics |
telecommunications |
television |
television broadcasting |
theater |
theater art |
theater arts |
theatre |
theological studies |
theology |
theology and religious vocations |
tibetan |
tibetan culture |
tibetan language |
tibetan language and culture |
tibetan language and literature |
tibetan language studies |
tibetan languages |
tibetan literature |
tibetan literature and culture |
tibetan studies |
tourism |
tourism management |
toxicology |
transportation science and tech |
travel |
travel and tourism management |
travel services management |
treatment therapy professions |
trial advocacy |
turfgrass science |
turkish |
turkish culture |
turkish language |
turkish language and culture |
turkish language and literature |
turkish language studies |
turkish languages |
turkish literature |
turkish literature and culture |
turkish studies |
ukrainian |
ukrainian culture |
ukrainian language |
ukrainian language and culture |
ukrainian language and literature |
ukrainian language studies |
ukrainian languages |
ukrainian literature |
ukrainian literature and culture |
ukrainian studies |
united states history |
urban planning |
urban schooling |
urban social studies |
urban sociology |
urban studies |
veterinary pathology |
veterinary science |
veterinary studies |
vietnamese |
vietnamese culture |
vietnamese language |
vietnamese language and culture |
vietnamese language and literature |
vietnamese language studies |
vietnamese languages |
vietnamese literature |
vietnamese literature and culture |
vietnamese studies |
virology |
visual |
visual and performing art |
visual art |
visual communications |
visual effects |
viticulture |
vlsi design |
vlsi engineer |
vocal performance |
vocational counseling |
vocational rehabilitation |
voice |
voice and opera |
web development |
welding |
welding engineering |
wellness management |
wildlife and fisheries science |
wildlife and fishery science |
wildlife science |
wildlife tech |
womens studies |
writing |
writing and culture |
zoology |
Contents of this table were sourced from the following file on our public S3 bucket: education.majors.txt
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Updated 6 months ago