Output Responses - Cleaner APIs
Company Cleaner API Response
Here is an example response from the Company Cleaner API:
"status": 200,
"name": "people data labs",
"size": "51-200",
"id": "tnHcNHbCv8MKeLh92946LAkX6PKg",
"founded": 2015,
"industry": "computer software",
"location": {
"name": "san francisco, california, united states",
"locality": "san francisco",
"region": "california",
"metro": "san francisco, california",
"country": "united states",
"continent": "north america",
"street_address": "455 market street",
"address_line_2": "suite 1670",
"postal_code": "94105",
"geo": "37.77,-122.41"
"linkedin_url": "linkedin.com/company/peopledatalabs",
"linkedin_id": "18170482",
"facebook_url": "facebook.com/peopledatalabs",
"twitter_url": "twitter.com/peopledatalabs",
"website": "peopledatalabs.com",
"ticker": null,
"type": "private",
"raw": [
"people data labs"
"score": 4.0,
"fuzzy_match": false
If the Company Cleaner API finds a matching company, a 200
response returns along with the company record in JSON format. The schema of the response matches the Company Schema in the Person record. If the API does not find a matching company, a 404
For querying the Company Schema, you can use the the following field mapping:
company field | person fields |
id | job_company_id , experience.company.id |
Location Cleaner API Response
Here is an example response from the Location Cleaner API:
"name": "portland, oregon, united states",
"locality": "portland",
"region": "oregon",
"subregion": "multnomah county",
"country": "united states",
"continent": "north america",
"type": "locality",
"geo": "45.52,-122.67",
If the Location Cleaner API parses the location, a 200
response returns along with the parsed location in JSON format. The schema of the response matches the Location Schema in the Person record. If the API cannot parse the location, a 404
For querying the Location Schema, you can use the the following field mapping:
location field | person fields |
name | job_company_location_name , location_name , location_names , street_addresses.name , experience.location_names , experience.company.location.name , education.school.location.name |
School Cleaner API Response
Here is an example response from the School Cleaner API:
"name": "university of california, los angeles",
"type": "post-secondary institution",
"id": "72978d72-275a-49c8-b9b9-f227ccfb1361",
"location": {
"name": "los angeles, california, united states",
"locality": "los angeles",
"region": "california",
"country": "united states",
"continent": "north america"
"linkedin_url": "linkedin.com/school/ucla",
"facebook_url": null,
"twitter_url": null,
"linkedin_id": "17950",
"website": "ucla.edu",
"domain": "ucla.edu"
If the School Cleaner API finds a matching school, a 200
response returns along with the cleaned school in JSON format. The schema of the response matches the School Schema in the Person record. If the API doesn't find a matching school, a 404
For querying the School Schema, you can use the the following field mapping:
school field | person field |
id | education.school.id |
Updated 6 months ago