SIC Major Groups
Canonical Values for SIC Major Groups |
administration of economic programs |
administration of environmental quality and housing programs |
administration of human resource programs |
agricultural production crops |
agricultural services |
agriculture production livestock and animal specialties |
amusement and recreation services |
apparel and accessory stores |
apparel and other finished products made from fabrics and similar materials |
automotive dealers and gasoline service stations |
automotive repair, services, and parking |
building construction general contractors and operative builders |
building materials, hardware, garden supply, and mobile home dealers |
business services |
chemicals and allied products |
coal mining |
communications |
construction special trade contractors |
depository institutions |
eating and drinking places |
educational services |
electric, gas, and sanitary services |
electronic and other electrical equipment and components, except computer equipment |
engineering, accounting, research, management, and related services |
executive, legislative, and general government, except finance |
fabricated metal products, except machinery and transportation equipment |
fishing, hunting, and trapping |
food and kindred products |
food stores |
forestry |
furniture and fixtures |
general merchandise stores |
health services |
heavy construction other than building construction contractors |
holding and other investment offices |
home furniture, furnishings, and equipment stores |
hotels, rooming houses, camps, and other lodging places |
industrial and commercial machinery and computer equipment |
insurance agents, brokers, and service |
insurance carriers |
justice, public order, and safety |
leather and leather products |
legal services |
local and suburban transit and interurban highway passenger transportation |
lumber and wood products, except furniture |
measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments; photographic, medical and optical goods; watches and clocks |
membership organizations |
metal mining |
mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals, except fuels |
miscellaneous manufacturing industries |
miscellaneous repair services |
miscellaneous retail |
miscellaneous services |
motion pictures |
motor freight transportation and warehousing |
museums, art galleries, and botanical and zoological gardens |
national security and international affairs |
non-depository credit institutions |
nonclassifiable establishments |
oil and gas extraction |
paper and allied products |
personal services |
petroleum refining and related industries |
pipelines, except natural gas |
primary metal industries |
printing, publishing, and allied industries |
private households |
public finance, taxation, and monetary policy |
railroad transportation |
real estate |
rubber and miscellaneous plastics products |
security and commodity brokers, dealers, exchanges, and services |
social services |
stone, clay, glass, and concrete products |
textile mill products |
tobacco products |
transportation by air |
transportation equipment |
transportation services |
united states postal service |
water transportation |
wholesale trade-durable goods |
wholesale trade-non-durable goods |
Contents of this table were sourced from the following file on our public S3 bucket: sic_major_group.txt
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Updated 6 months ago
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