Data License Overview
We provide many of our customers bulk person datasets in the form of an annual license. Some customers license our entire dataset while others license custom subsets of the data. To learn more, speak with one of our Data Consultants.
The value of a License
1. You have the data on premise.
During the license period, the customer has the right to use the data in any way as long as it is compliant with our Acceptable Data Use Policy.
2. Unparalleled data coverage
Read more about our coverage here.
3. You get access to our customer success team
We provide all our volume API and license customers dedicated engineering support, including a shared Slack channel and a support email. Working with large datasets is hard. Our customer success team helps ensure that you get a ROI from the data as quickly as possible.
4. Unlimited access
Often search and matching APIs become prohibitively expensive at large volumes, but we hope to disrupt this market by providing the same or better data at a significantly lower price for larger engineering products.
5. Flexible licensing parameters
We allow customers to slice and dice the data in order to ensure that they only receive (and spend money on) the profiles that they need.
Tailored Delivery Solutions
We offer a variety of options for how to receive data licenses including deliveries through S3, GCP, Azure and more. Additionally, we also offer Delta Files consisting of just the subset of modified records from each build to streamline your data ingestion workflows.
Updated 11 months ago