Input Parameters - Company Search API

Use search queries to find sets of company profiles

Required Parameters

You must provide either the query or the sql parameter (but not both) to receive a successful response. We recommend using the Elasticsearch query parameter for most use cases.

When you execute an API request, the query runs directly against our Company Dataset without any cleaning or preprocessing. This means that you have a lot of freedom to explore the dataset and return the perfect records for your particular use case. It also means that you will need to understand the available fields to make successful queries.

Use the field descriptions on the Company Schema and the underlying Elasticsearch Mapping to help write better queries.

To help you identify how to best query for specific sub-entities (schools, companies, and locations), we offer a suite of Cleaner APIs.

We also provide a free Query Builder Tool to help write and test Elasticsearch queries for our Search APIs.


StringYour secret API key.

Your API Key must be included in either the request header or the api_key parameter. For more information about request authentication, see the Authentication page.

Optional Parameters


ObjectAn Elasticsearch (v7.7) query involving our company fields.

See our underlying Elasticsearch mapping for reference.
{"query": {"term": {"name": "people data labs"}}}

Elasticsearch Query Limitations

We accept the following Elasticsearch query types:

We've disabled most specialized options, such as boosting and custom scoring, and we do not allow aggregations.

Any array in a query (such as a terms array) will have a hard limit of 100 elements. If a request goes over this limit, it will fail.


StringAn SQL query of the format: SELECT * FROM company WHERE XXX, where XXX is a standard SQL boolean query involving our company fields.SELECT * FROM company WHERE name='people data labs'

SQL Query Limitations

We execute SQL queries using Elasticsearch SQL.

We accept any SQL query that translates to the above Elasticsearch query types through the ES SQL translate API.

We will ignore any use of column selections or the LIMIT keyword.

We limit the number of wildcard terms (using LIKE with %) to 20 per request. If a request goes over this limit, it will fail.


IntegerThe maximum number of matched records to return for this query if they exist. Must be between 1 and 100.1100


Known Limitations

While it is technically possible to receive up to 100 companies in a single request, due to current infrastructure limitations we recommend the following:

  • Add Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br to your request header
  • If you are working with the Company Base schema, set the size parameter to a maximum value of 30 in a single request
  • If you are working with Company Premium or Company Comprehensive schemas, set the size parameter to a maximum value of 8 in a single request

Exceeding these recommendations may result in a 502 Gateway error.



Legacy Field

The from parameter is deprecated. Use scroll_token instead.

Integer[LEGACY] An offset value for paginating between batches, which must between 0 and 9999. We will execute pagination for a maximum of 10,000 records per query.

Note: You cannot use from and scroll_token in the same request.


StringEach search API response returns a scroll_token. Include it in the next request to fetch the next size matching records.

Unlike the legacy from parameter, you can use this parameter for any number of records.

Note: You cannot use from and scroll_token in the same request.

A scroll_token returns in every Company Search API response and serves as a placeholder or bookmark for the last record received. For queries with more results than can fit in a single API response (see the size field), use the scroll_token to get the next batch of results.

For example, if you send a query to the Company Search API that has 10,000 matches, you will need multiple API calls to retrieve all the records. The scroll_token represents how far along you are in that list of records.

Generally, the way to use scroll_token is:

  1. Send a query to the Company Search API.
  2. Get a response back containing one batch of records as well as a scroll_token response value (if you have already retrieved all the available records in this batch, then the scroll_token value will be null).
  3. Use the same query from Step 1 and the scroll_token you just received to make another request to the Company Search API.
  4. Get another response back with the next batch of records and a new scroll_token value.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have received the desired number of records or until you receive a 404 status code because pagination is complete and the scroll_token key is missing from the response.

For a detailed working example of this process, see the following code example: Bulk Retrieval.


BooleanAll text in API responses returns as lowercase by default. Setting titlecase to true will titlecase any records returned instead.falsetrue


BooleanWhether the output should have human-readable indentation.falsetrue