Person Changelog

To read more about our persistent Person ID logic, please consult our Persistent IDs page.

version_status Field

Data License customers have an additional field appended to each data license profile: a version_status for the Person ID. This object tracks the previous and current dataset version, any other persistent IDs that were merged into this record using improved entity resolution, and the status of the record. If a record is not in any of our license datasets, it will have a null version_status.

Person Changelog


Updated Changelog

We've rebuilt our changelog. Starting with v25.0, the changelog will no longer contain every record in our dataset. Now, the changelog will only include records with high-signal changes.

Migration Guide

If you used our previous changelog, you may need to make some changes to switch to our new changelog:

  1. The unchanged status no longer exists. Remove any logic that relies on it.
  2. Switch from using moved to the merged status.
  3. The merged status field has changed from a string to an array of strings. Adjust your processes accordingly.
  4. The updated status additional_metadata.fields_updated array can be used to filter records according to the type of updates made. Adjust your processes accordingly.

We also provide an additional changelog as a flat file in this public AWS bucket. Each part of the changelog is capped to a file size of approximately 100MB. Changelogs are separated by update cadence with the following paths:

  • Monthly: s3://pdl-prod-id-changelog/version_number/monthly/
  • Quarterly: s3://pdl-prod-id-changelog/version_number/quarterly/

Here is a description of each possible record status:

Status             Description                                                              
added Newly added records
deleted Records that have been deleted
merged Records merged into other records, including metadata of the merged records
opted_out Records that have opted out through our website
updated Records where a value in any field has changed and/or a profile has been merged into the record

Additional Metadata

Some of the statuses listed in the table above will also contain the following metadata:

Metadata FieldCorresponding Version StatusDescription
containsupdatedThe persistent IDs of any records that existed in a previous version and have been merged before or during the current version.
fields_updatedupdatedThe specific fields of the record that have changed. Changes for child fields will be limited to their parents. For example, if a record’s experience.end_date changes, that will be shown as “fields_updated”: [“experience”].
tomergedThe persistent ID that this record has been assigned in the current version.

Sample Changelogs

  "id": "123",
  "previous_version": "24.1",
  "current_version": "24.2",
  "status": "added",
  "additional_metadata": null
  "id": "123",
  "previous_version": "24.1",
  "current_version": "24.2",
  "status": "deleted",
  "additional_metadata": null

  "id": "123",
  "previous_version": "24.1",
  "current_version": "24.2",
  "status": "merged",
  "additional_metadata": {
    "to": ["abcabc", ...]
  "id": "123",
  "previous_version": "24.1",
  "current_version": "24.2",
  "status": "opted_out",
  "additional_metadata": null

  "id": "123",
  "previous_version": "24.1",
  "current_version": "24.2",
  "status": "updated",
  "additional_metadata": {
    "contains": ["123123", ...],
    "fields_updated": ["work_email", "job_company_type", ...]