Quickstart - Job Title Enrichment API
Getting Started
In order to use our Job Title Enrichment API, you must have an enterprise account. Contact us at [email protected] to learn more.
Simple Example
As mentioned in the Overview, the Job Title Enrichment API is a means of performing a one-to-one match of a job title with those included in our Job Title Dataset. In order to use the Job Title Enrichment API, you will need the job title that you want to look up.
Here's a quick example that demonstrates retrieving a record with a job_title
of supply manager
# See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-python
from peopledatalabs import PDLPY
# Create a client, specifying your API key
api_key="YOUR API KEY",
# Create a parameters JSON object
QUERY_STRING = {"job_title": "supply manager"}
# Pass the parameters object to the Job Title Enrichment API
response = CLIENT.job_title(**QUERY_STRING)
# Print the API response
curl -X GET -G \
'https://api.peopledatalabs.com/v5/job_title/enrich' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: YOUR API KEY' \
--data-urlencode 'job_title=supply manager'
// See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-js
import PDLJS from 'peopledatalabs';
// Create a client, specifying your API key
const PDLJSClient = new PDLJS({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY" });
// Create a parameters JSON object
const queryString = {jobTitle: "supply manager"}
// Pass the parameters object to the Job Title API
PDLJSClient.jobTitle(queryString).then((data) => {
// Print the API response
}).catch((error) => {
# See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-ruby
require 'peopledatalabs'
# Set your API key
Peopledatalabs.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Pass parameters to the Job Title API
response = Peopledatalabs::JobTitle.retrieve("job_title":"supply manager")
# Print the API response
puts response
package main
import (
// See https://github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go
import (
pdl "github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go"
pdlmodel "github.com/peopledatalabs/peopledatalabs-go/model"
func main() {
// Set your API key
apiKey := "YOUR API KEY"
// Set API key as environmental variable
// apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")
// Create a client, specifying your API key
client := pdl.New(apiKey)
// Create a parameters JSON object
queryString := pdlmodel.JobTitleBaseParams{JobTitle: "supply manager"}
params := pdlmodel.JobTitleParams{
JobTitleBaseParams: queryString,
// Pass the parameters object to the Job Title API
response, err := client.JobTitle(context.Background(), params)
// Check for successful response
if err == nil {
// Print the API response
import requests
# Set your API key
# Set the Job Title Enrichment API URL
PDL_URL = "https://api.peopledatalabs.com/v5/job_title/enrich"
# Create a parameters JSON object
QUERY_STRING = {"job_title": "supply manager"}
# Set headers
'accept': "application/json",
'content-type': "application/json",
'x-api-key': API_KEY
# Pass the parameters object to the Job Title Enrichment API
response = requests.request("GET", PDL_URL, headers=HEADERS, params=QUERY_STRING)
# Print the API response
The API returns a record like the one below if the job_title
that you passed it exists in our dataset:
"cleaned_job_title": "supply manager",
"similar_job_titles": [
"senior supply manager",
"supply chain manager",
"supply specialist",
"supply supervisor",
"supply coordinator"
"relevant_skills": [
"supply management",
"spend analysis",
"supplier development",
"demand planning",
"strategic sourcing"
If you don't get this response, check out our Errors page for more information.
Updated 6 months ago