Person Data Overview
The following table contains an overview of each person-related field in our dataset. Click the field name to go to the corresponding section in our Person Schema to see additional details about each field.
Field Availability
Please note: Not all fields are available in all packages.
For more details about the fields we offer, including fill rates and which fields are included in the base vs premium packages, check out our Person Data Field Bundles.
Field | Type | Short Description | Requires add-on | Searchable | Bundle |
birth_date | String (Date) | The day the person was born | T | Base | |
birth_year | Integer | The year the person was born | T | Base | |
certifications | Array [Object] | Any certifications the person has | T | T | Premium Resume Fields |
certifications.end_date | String (Date) | The expiration date of the certification | T | T | Premium Resume Fields | | String | Certification name | T | T | Premium Resume Fields |
certifications.organization | String | The organization awarding the certification | T | T | Premium Resume Fields |
certifications.start_date | String (Date) | The date the certification was awarded | T | T | Premium Resume Fields |
countries | Array [Enum (String)] | All countries associated with the person | T | Base | |
education | Array [Object] | The person's education information | T | Base | |
education.degrees | Array [Enum (String)] | The degrees the person earned at the school | T | Base | |
education.end_date | String (Date) | The date the person left the school | T | Base | |
education.gpa | Float | The GPA the person earned at the school | T | Base | |
education.majors | Array [Enum (String)] | All majors the person earned at the school | T | Base | |
education.minors | Array [Enum (String)] | All minors the person earned at the school | T | Base | |
education.raw | String | Raw education data | T | Raw Fields | | | Object | The school the person attended | T | Base | | | String | The primary website domain associated with the school | T | Base | | | String | The school's Facebook URL | T | Base | | | String | The non-persistent ID for the school in our records | T | Base | | | String | The school's LinkedIn ID | T | Base | | | String | The school's LinkedIn URL | T | Base | | | Object | The location of the school | T | Base | | | Enum (String) | The continent the school is in | T | Base | | | Enum (String) | The country the school is in | T | Base | | | String | The locality the school is in | T | Base | | | String | Our cleaned values for the school location in the format "locality, region, country" | T | Base | | | String | The region the school is in | T | Base | | | String | The name of the school | T | Base | | | String | Raw school name | T | T | Raw Fields | | String | The school's Twitter URL | T | Base | | | Enum (String) | The school type | T | Base | | | String | The website URL associated with the school | T | Base | |
education.start_date | String (Date) | The date the person started at the school | T | Base | |
education.summary | String | User-inputted summary of their education | T | Premium Resume Fields | |
emails | Array [Object] | Email addresses associated with the person | T | Base | |
emails.address | String | The fully parsed email address | T | Base | |
emails.first_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
emails.last_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
emails.num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
emails.type | Enum (String) | The type of email | T | Base | |
experience | Array [Object] | The person's work experience | T | Base | | | Object | The company where the person worked | T | Base | | | String | The company's Facebook URL | T | Base | | | Integer (> 0) | The founding year of the company | T | Base | | | String | The company's PDL ID | T | Base | | | Enum (String) | The self-identified industry of the company | T | Base | | | String | The company's LinkedIn ID | T | Base | | | String | The company's LinkedIn URL | T | Base | | | Object | The location of the company's headquarters | T | Base | | | String | The street address line 2 of the company HQ address | T | Base | | | Enum (String) | The continent the company HQ is in | T | Base | | | Enum (String) | The country the company HQ is in | T | Base | | | String | City-center geo code of the company HQ, in the format "latitude, longitude" | T | Base | | | String | The locality the company HQ is in | T | Base | | | Enum (String) | The metro area the company HQ is in | T | Base | | | String | Our cleaned values for the company HQ location in the format "locality, region, country" | T | Base | | | String | The postal code of the company HQ address | T | Base | | | String | The region the company HQ is in | T | Base | | | String | The street address of the company HQ | T | Base | | | String | The company name, cleaned and standardized | T | Base | | | String | Raw company name | T | T | Raw Fields | | Enum (String) | The self-reported company size range | T | Base | | | String | The company ticker | T | T | Ticker Information | | String | The company's Twitter URL | T | Base | | | Enum (String) | The company type | T | T | Ticker Information | | String | The company's primary website, cleaned and standardized | T | Base | |
experience.end_date | String (Date) | The date the person left the company | T | Base | |
experience.first_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
experience.is_primary | Boolean | Whether this is the person's current job or not | T | Base | |
experience.last_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
experience.location_names | Array [String] | Locations where the person has worked while with this company (if different from the company HQ) | T | Base | |
experience.num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
experience.start_date | String (Date) | The date the person started at the company | T | Base | |
experience.summary | String | User-inputted summary of their work experience | T | T | Premium Resume Fields |
experience.title | Object | The person's job title while at the company | T | Base | |
experience.title.levels | Array [Enum (String)] | The level(s) of the job title | T | Base | | | String | The cleaned job title | T | Base | |
experience.title.raw | String | Raw job title input | T | T | Raw Fields |
experience.title.role | Enum (String) | One of the Canonical Job Roles | T | Base | |
experience.title.sub_role | Enum (String) | One of the Canonical Job Sub Roles | T | Base | |
experience.title.class | Enum (String) | The expense line item category this employee would fall into | T | Base | |
facebook_friends | Integer (>= 0) | The number of Facebook friends the person has | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
facebook_id | String | The person's Facebook profile ID based on source agreement | T | Base | |
facebook_url | String | The person's Facebook profile URL based on source agreement | T | Base | |
facebook_username | String | The person's Facebook profile username based on source agreement | T | Base | |
first_name | String | The person's first name | T | Base | |
first_seen | String (Date) | The date when this record was first created in our data | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
full_name | String | The person's full name | T | Base | |
sex | Enum (String) | The person's sex | T | Base | |
github_url | String | The person's GitHub profile URL based on source agreement | T | Base | |
github_username | String | The person's GitHub profile username based on source agreement | T | Base | |
headline | String | The brief headline associated with a person profile. | T | T | Premium Resume Fields |
id | String | A unique persistent identifier for the person | T | Base | |
industry | Enum (String) | The most relevant industry for this person based on their work history | T | Base | |
inferred_salary | Enum (String) | The inferred salary range (USD) for the person's current job | T | T | Inferred Salary |
inferred_years_experience | Integer (0 - 100) | The person's inferred years of total work experience | T | T | Inferred Years Experience |
interests | Array [String] | The person's self-reported interests | T | Base | |
job_company_12mo_employee_growth_rate | Float | The person’s current company’s percentage increase in total headcount over the past twelve months. | T | T | Premium Company Attributes |
job_company_employee_count | Integer (>= 0) | The total number of PDL profiles associated with the person’s current company. | T | T | Premium Company Attributes |
job_company_facebook_url | String | The person's current company's Facebook URL | T | Base | |
job_company_founded | Integer (> 0) | The person's current company's founding year | T | Base | |
job_company_id | String | The person's current company's PDL ID | T | Base | |
job_company_industry | Enum (String) | The person's current company's industry | T | Base | |
job_company_inferred_revenue | Enum (String) | The estimated annual revenue range in USD of the person’s current company. | T | T | Premium Company Attributes |
job_company_linkedin_id | String | The person's current company's LinkedIn ID | T | Base | |
job_company_linkedin_url | String | The person's current company's LinkedIn URL | T | Base | |
job_company_location_address_line_2 | String | The person's current company's headquarters'Â street address line 2 | T | Base | |
job_company_location_continent | Enum (String) | The person's current company's headquarters'Â continent | T | Base | |
job_company_location_country | Enum (String) | The person's current company's headquarters'Â country | T | Base | |
job_company_location_geo | String | The person's current company's headquarters'Â city-center geographic coordinates | T | Base | |
job_company_location_locality | String | The person's current company's headquarters'Â locality | T | Base | |
job_company_location_metro | Enum (String) | The person's current company's headquarters'Â metro area | T | Base | |
job_company_location_name | String | The person's current company's headquarters' location name | T | Base | |
job_company_location_postal_code | String | The person's current company's headquarters'Â postal code | T | Base | |
job_company_location_region | String | The person's current company's headquarters' region | T | Base | |
job_company_location_street_address | String | The person's current company's headquarters' street address | T | Base | |
job_company_name | String | The person's current company's name | T | Base | |
job_company_size | Enum (String) | The person's current company's size range | T | Base | |
job_company_ticker | String | The company ticker for the person's current job | T | T | Ticker Information |
job_company_total_funding_raised | Integer (> 0) | The cumulative amount of money raised in USD by the person’s current company during all publicly disclosed funding rounds. | T | T | Premium Company Attributes |
job_company_twitter_url | String | The person's current company's Twitter URL | T | Base | |
job_company_type | Enum (String) | The company type for the person's current job | T | T | Ticker Information |
job_company_website | String | The person's current company's website | T | Base | |
job_history | Array [Object] | Additional professional positions that may have been removed or changed on resumes | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
job_history.company_id | String | PDL Company ID | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
job_history.company_name | String | Company name | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
job_history.first_seen | String (Date) | The date that this experience was first associated with this record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
job_history.last_seen | String (Date) | The date that this experience was last associated with this record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
job_history.num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this profile with this record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
job_history.title | String | Job Title | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
job_last_updated | String (Date) | [REMOVED in v27.0]The timestamp that a new data source contributed to the record for the person's current job | T | Base | |
job_last_changed | String (Date) | The timestamp that reflects when the top-level job information changed. | T | Base | |
job_last_verified | String (Date) | The timestamp that reflects when the top level job information was last validated by a data source. | T | Base | |
job_onet_broad_occupation | String | The O*NET Broad Occupation associated with the person’s current job title | T | T | O*Net Fields |
job_onet_code | String | The 8-digit O*NET code for the person’s current job title | T | T | O*Net Fields |
job_onet_major_group | String | The O*NET Major Group associated with the person’s current job title | T | T | O*Net Fields |
job_onet_minor_group | String | The O*NET Minor Group associated with the person’s current job title | T | T | O*Net Fields |
job_onet_specific_occupation | String | The O*NET Specific Occupation associated with the person’s current job title | T | T | O*Net Fields |
job_onet_specific_occupation_detail | String | A more detailed job title classification than O*NET Specific Occupation | T | T | O*Net Fields |
job_start_date | String (Date) | The date the person started their current job | T | Base | |
job_summary | String | User-inputted summary of their current job | T | T | Premium Resume Fields |
job_title | String | The person's current job title | T | Base | |
job_title_levels | Array [Enum (String)] | The derived level(s) of the person's current job title | T | Base | |
job_title_role | Enum (String) | The derived role of the person's current job title | T | Base | |
job_title_sub_role | Enum (String) | The derived subrole of the person's current job title | T | Base | |
job_title_class | Enum (String) | The expense line item category this employee would fall into | T | Base | |
languages | Array [Object] | Languages the person knows | T | T | Premium Resume Fields | | Enum (String) | The language | T | T | Premium Resume Fields |
languages.proficiency | Integer (1-5) | Self-ranked language proficiency from 1 (limited) to 5 (fluent) | T | T | Premium Resume Fields |
last_initial | String (1 character) | The first letter of the person's last name | T | Base | |
last_name | String | The person's last name | T | Base | |
linkedin_connections | Integer (>= 0) | The number of LinkedIn connections the person has | T | T | Linkedin Connections |
linkedin_id | String | The person's LinkedIn profile ID. This is null when no values in the "profiles" array are active | T | Base | |
linkedin_url | String | The person's current LinkedIn profile URL. This is null when no values in the "profiles" array are active | T | Base | |
linkedin_username | String | The person's LinkedIn profile username. This is null when no values in the "profiles" array are active | T | Base | |
location_address_line_2 | String | The person's current street address line 2 | T | Base | |
location_continent | Enum (String) | The continent of the person's current address | T | Base | |
location_country | Enum (String) | The country of the person's current address | T | Base | |
location_geo | String | The geo code of the city center of the person's current address | T | Base | |
location_last_updated | String (Date) | The timestamp that a new data source contributed to the record for the person's current address | T | Base | |
location_locality | String | The locality of the person's current address | T | Base | |
location_metro | Enum (String) | The metro of the person's current address | T | Base | |
location_name | String | The location of the person's current address | T | Base | |
location_names | Array [String] | All location names associated with the person | T | Base | |
location_postal_code | String | The postal code of the person's current address | T | Base | |
location_region | String | The region of the person's current address | T | Base | |
location_street_address | String | The person's current street address | T | Base | |
middle_initial | String (1 character) | The first letter of the person's middle name | T | Base | |
middle_name | String | The person's middle name | T | Base | |
mobile_phone | String (Phone) | The personal mobile phone associated with this individual. Mobile phones can only be associated with 1 person in the PDL data. | T | Base | |
name_aliases | Array [String] | Any other names the person goes by | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
num_records | Integer (> 0) | The number of unique raw records contributing to this specific PDL profile | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of unique sources contributing to this specific PDL profile | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
operation_id | String | An identifier for an operation in a Data License delivery, used for troubleshooting. | Base | ||
personal_emails | Array [String] | All personal emails associated with the person | T | Base | |
phone_numbers | Array [String (Phone)] | All phone numbers associated with the person | T | Base | |
phones | Array [Object] | The list of phone numbers associated with this record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
phones.first_seen | String (Date) | The date that this number was first associated with this record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
phones.last_seen | String (Date) | The date that this number was last associated with this record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
phones.num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this profile with this record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
phones.number | String (Phone) | The phone number | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_birth_dates | Array [String (Date)] | Birthdays associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence | T | Person Risk Attributes | |
possible_emails | Array [Object] | Email addresses associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_emails.address | String | The fully parsed email address | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_emails.first_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_emails.last_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_emails.num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_emails.type | Enum (String) | The type of email | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_location_names | Array [String] | Locations associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_phones | Array [Object] | Phone numbers associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_phones.first_seen | String (Date) | The date that this number was first associated with this record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_phones.last_seen | String (Date) | The date that this number was last associated with this record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_phones.num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this profile with this record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_phones.number | String (Phone) | The phone number | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_profiles | Array [Object] | Social profiles associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_profiles.first_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes | | String | The profile ID | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_profiles.last_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes | | Enum (String) | The social network the profile is on | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_profiles.num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_profiles.url | String | The profile URL | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_profiles.username | String | The profile username | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_street_addresses | Array [Object] | Addresses associated with this person that have a lower level of confidence | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_street_addresses.address_line_2 | String | The street address line 2 | T | Person Risk Attributes | |
possible_street_addresses.continent | Enum (String) | The continent the address is in | T | Person Risk Attributes | | | Enum (String) | The country the address is in | T | Person Risk Attributes | |
possible_street_addresses.first_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_street_addresses.geo | String | The city-center geographic coordinates of the address | T | Person Risk Attributes | |
possible_street_addresses.last_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_street_addresses.locality | String | The locality the address is in | T | Person Risk Attributes | |
possible_street_addresses.metro | Enum (String) | The metro area the address is in | T | Person Risk Attributes | | | String | The location of the address | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_street_addresses.num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
possible_street_addresses.postal_code | String | The postal code of the address | T | Person Risk Attributes | |
possible_street_addresses.region | String | The region of the address | T | Person Risk Attributes | |
possible_street_addresses.street_address | String | The street address | T | Person Risk Attributes | |
profiles | Array [Object] | Social profiles associated with the person | T | Base | |
profiles.first_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes | | String | The profile ID | T | Base | |
profiles.last_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes | | Enum (String) | The social network the profile is on | T | Base | |
profiles.num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
profiles.url | String | The profile URL | T | Base | |
profiles.username | String | The profile username | T | Base | |
recommended_personal_email | String | The best available email to reach a person | T | Base | |
regions | Array [String] | All regions associated with the person | T | Base | |
skills | Array [String] | The person's self-reported skills | T | Base | |
street_addresses | Array [Object] | All street addresses associated with the person | T | Base | |
street_addresses.address_line_2 | String | The street address line 2 | T | Base | |
street_addresses.continent | Enum (String) | The continent the address is in | T | Base | | | Enum (String) | The country the address is in | T | Base | |
street_addresses.first_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was first associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
street_addresses.geo | String | The city-center geographic coordinates of the address | T | Base | |
street_addresses.last_seen | String (Date) | The date that this entity was last associated with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
street_addresses.locality | String | The locality the address is in | T | Base | |
street_addresses.metro | Enum (String) | The metro area the address is in | T | Base | | | String | The location of the address | T | Base | |
street_addresses.num_sources | Integer (> 0) | The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person record | T | T | Person Risk Attributes |
street_addresses.postal_code | String | The postal code of the address | T | Base | |
street_addresses.region | String | The region of the address | T | Base | |
street_addresses.street_address | String | The street address | T | Base | |
summary | String | User-inputted personal summary | T | T | Premium Resume Fields |
twitter_url | String | The person's Twitter profile URL based on source agreement | T | Base | |
twitter_username | String | The person's Twitter profile username based on source agreement | T | Base | |
work_email | String | The person's current work email | T | Base |
Updated 3 months ago