Person Data Overview

The following table contains an overview of each person-related field in our dataset. Click the field name to go to the corresponding section in our Person Schema to see additional details about each field.


Field Availability

Please note: Not all fields are available in all packages.

For more details about the fields we offer, including fill rates and which fields are included in the base vs premium packages, check out our Person Data Field Bundles.

FieldTypeShort DescriptionRequires add-onSearchableBundle
birth_dateString (Date)The day the person was bornTBase
birth_yearIntegerThe year the person was bornTBase
certificationsArray [Object]Any certifications the person hasTTPremium Resume Fields
certifications.end_dateString (Date)The expiration date of the certificationTTPremium Resume Fields
certifications.nameStringCertification nameTTPremium Resume Fields
certifications.organizationStringThe organization awarding the certificationTTPremium Resume Fields
certifications.start_dateString (Date)The date the certification was awardedTTPremium Resume Fields
countriesArray [Enum (String)]AllĀ countriesĀ associated with the personTBase
educationArray [Object]The person's education informationTBase
education.degreesArray [Enum (String)]The degrees the person earned at the schoolTBase
education.end_dateString (Date)The date the person left the schoolTBase
education.gpaFloatThe GPA the person earned at the schoolTBase
education.majorsArray [Enum (String)]All majors the person earned at the schoolTBase
education.minorsArray [Enum (String)]All minors the person earned at the schoolTBase
education.rawStringRaw education dataTRaw Fields
education.schoolObjectThe school the person attendedTBase primary website domain associated with the schoolTBase school's Facebook URLTBase non-persistent ID for the school in our recordsTBase school's LinkedIn IDTBase school's LinkedIn URLTBase location of the schoolTBase (String)The continent the school is inTBase (String)The country the school is inTBase locality the school is inTBase cleaned values for the school location in the formatĀ "locality, region, country"TBase region the school is inTBase name of the schoolTBase school nameTTRaw Fields school's Twitter URLTBase (String)The school typeTBase website URL associated with the schoolTBase
education.start_dateString (Date)The date the person started at the schoolTBase
education.summaryStringUser-inputted summary of their educationTPremium Resume Fields
emailsArray [Object]Email addresses associated with the personTBase
emails.addressStringThe fully parsed email addressTBase
emails.first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
emails.last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
emails.num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
emails.typeEnum (String)The type of emailTBase
experienceArray [Object]The person's work experienceTBase
experience.companyObjectThe company where the person workedTBase company'sĀ Facebook URLTBase (> 0)The founding year of the companyTBase company's PDL IDTBase (String)The self-identified industry of the companyTBase company's LinkedIn IDTBase company's LinkedIn URLTBase location of the company's headquartersTBase street address line 2 of the company HQ addressTBase (String)The continent the company HQ is inTBase (String)The country the company HQ is inTBase geo code of the company HQ, in the formatĀ "latitude, longitude"TBase locality the company HQ is inTBase (String)The metro area the company HQ is inTBase cleaned values for the company HQ location in the formatĀ "locality, region, country"TBase postal code of the company HQ addressTBase region the company HQ is inTBase street address of the company HQTBaseĀ company name, cleaned and standardizedTBase company nameTTRaw Fields (String)The self-reportedĀ company size rangeTBase company tickerTTTicker Information company's Twitter URLTBase (String)The company typeTTTicker Information company's primary website, cleaned and standardizedTBase
experience.end_dateString (Date)The date the person left the companyTBase
experience.first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
experience.is_primaryBooleanWhether this is the person's current job or notTBase
experience.last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
experience.location_namesArray [String]Locations where the person has worked while with this company (if different from the company HQ)TBase
experience.num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
experience.start_dateString (Date)The date the person started at the companyTBase
experience.summaryStringUser-inputted summary of their work experienceTTPremium Resume Fields
experience.titleObjectThe person's job title while at the companyTBase
experience.title.levelsArray [Enum (String)]The level(s) of the job titleTBase
experience.title.nameStringThe cleaned job titleTBase
experience.title.rawStringRaw job title inputTTRaw Fields
experience.title.roleEnum (String)One of the Canonical Job RolesTBase
experience.title.sub_roleEnum (String)One of the Canonical Job Sub RolesTBase
experience.title.classEnum (String)The expense line item category this employee would fall intoTBase
facebook_friendsInteger (>= 0)The number of Facebook friends the person hasTTPerson Risk Attributes
facebook_idStringThe person's Facebook profile ID based on source agreementTBase
facebook_urlStringThe person's Facebook profile URL based on source agreementTBase
facebook_usernameStringThe person's Facebook profile username based on source agreementTBase
first_nameStringThe person's first nameTBase
first_seenString (Date)The date when this record was first created in our dataTTPerson Risk Attributes
full_nameStringThe person's full nameTBase
sexEnum (String)The person's sexTBase
github_urlStringThe person's GitHub profile URL based on source agreementTBase
github_usernameStringThe person's GitHub profile username based on source agreementTBase
headlineStringThe brief headline associated with a person profile.TTPremium Resume Fields
idStringA unique persistent identifier for the personTBase
industryEnum (String)The most relevant industry for this person based on their work historyTBase
inferred_salaryEnum (String)The inferred salary range (USD) for the person's current jobTTInferred Salary
inferred_years_experienceInteger (0 - 100)The person's inferred years of total work experienceTTInferred Years Experience
interestsArray [String]The person's self-reported interestsTBase
job_company_12mo_employee_growth_rateFloatThe personā€™s current companyā€™s percentage increase in total headcount over the past twelve months.TTPremium Company Attributes
job_company_employee_countInteger (>= 0)The total number of PDL profiles associated with the personā€™s current company.TTPremium Company Attributes
job_company_facebook_urlStringThe person's current company'sĀ Facebook URLTBase
job_company_foundedInteger (> 0)The person's current company'sĀ founding yearTBase
job_company_idStringThe person's current company'sĀ PDL IDTBase
job_company_industryEnum (String)The person's current company'sĀ industryTBase
job_company_inferred_revenueEnum (String)The estimated annual revenue range in USD of the personā€™s current company.TTPremium Company Attributes
job_company_linkedin_idStringThe person's current company'sĀ LinkedIn IDTBase
job_company_linkedin_urlStringThe person's current company'sĀ LinkedIn URLTBase
job_company_location_address_line_2StringThe person's current company's headquarters'Ā street address line 2TBase
job_company_location_continentEnum (String)The person's current company's headquarters'Ā continentTBase
job_company_location_countryEnum (String)The person's current company's headquarters'Ā countryTBase
job_company_location_geoStringThe person's current company's headquarters'Ā city-center geographic coordinatesTBase
job_company_location_localityStringThe person's current company's headquarters'Ā localityTBase
job_company_location_metroEnum (String)The person's current company's headquarters'Ā metro areaTBase
job_company_location_nameStringThe person's current company's headquarters' location nameTBase
job_company_location_postal_codeStringThe person's current company's headquarters'Ā postal codeTBase
job_company_location_regionStringThe person's current company's headquarters' regionTBase
job_company_location_street_addressStringThe person's current company's headquarters' street addressTBase
job_company_nameStringThe person's current company'sĀ nameTBase
job_company_sizeEnum (String)The person's current company's size rangeTBase
job_company_tickerStringThe company ticker for the person's current jobTTTicker Information
job_company_total_funding_raisedInteger (> 0)The cumulative amount of money raised in USD by the personā€™s current company during all publicly disclosed funding rounds.TTPremium Company Attributes
job_company_twitter_urlStringThe person's current company's Twitter URLTBase
job_company_typeEnum (String)The company type for the person's current jobTTTicker Information
job_company_websiteStringThe person's current company's websiteTBase
job_historyArray [Object]Additional professional positions that may have been removed or changed on resumesTTPerson Risk Attributes
job_history.company_idStringPDL Company IDTTPerson Risk Attributes
job_history.company_nameStringCompany nameTTPerson Risk Attributes
job_history.first_seenString (Date)The date that this experience was first associated with this recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
job_history.last_seenString (Date)The date that this experience was last associated with this recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
job_history.num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this profile with this recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
job_history.titleStringJob TitleTTPerson Risk Attributes
job_last_updatedString (Date)[REMOVED in v27.0]The timestamp that a new data source contributed to the record for the person's current jobTBase
job_last_changedString (Date)The timestamp that reflects when the top-level job information changed.TBase
job_last_verifiedString (Date)The timestamp that reflects when the top level job information was last validated by a data source.TBase
job_onet_broad_occupationStringThe O*NET Broad Occupation associated with the personā€™s current job titleTTO*Net Fields
job_onet_codeStringThe 8-digit O*NET code for the personā€™s current job titleTTO*Net Fields
job_onet_major_groupStringThe O*NET Major Group associated with the personā€™s current job titleTTO*Net Fields
job_onet_minor_groupStringThe O*NET Minor Group associated with the personā€™s current job titleTTO*Net Fields
job_onet_specific_occupationStringThe O*NET Specific Occupation associated with the personā€™s current job titleTTO*Net Fields
job_onet_specific_occupation_detailStringA more detailed job title classification than O*NET Specific OccupationTTO*Net Fields
job_start_dateString (Date)The date the person started their current jobTBase
job_summaryStringUser-inputted summary of their current jobTTPremium Resume Fields
job_titleStringThe person's current job titleTBase
job_title_levelsArray [Enum (String)]The derived level(s) of the person's current job titleTBase
job_title_roleEnum (String)The derived role of the person's current job titleTBase
job_title_sub_roleEnum (String)The derived subrole of the person's current job titleTBase
job_title_classEnum (String)The expense line item category this employee would fall intoTBase
languagesArray [Object]Languages the person knowsTTPremium Resume Fields
languages.nameEnum (String)The languageTTPremium Resume Fields
languages.proficiencyInteger (1-5)Self-ranked language proficiency from 1 (limited) to 5 (fluent)TTPremium Resume Fields
last_initialString (1 character)The first letter of the person's last nameTBase
last_nameStringThe person's last nameTBase
linkedin_connectionsInteger (>= 0)The number of LinkedIn connections the person hasTTLinkedin Connections
linkedin_idStringThe person's LinkedIn profile ID. This is null when no values in the "profiles" array are activeTBase
linkedin_urlStringThe person's current LinkedIn profile URL. This is null when no values in the "profiles" array are activeTBase
linkedin_usernameStringThe person's LinkedIn profile username. This is null when no values in the "profiles" array are activeTBase
location_address_line_2StringThe person's current street address line 2TBase
location_continentEnum (String)TheĀ continent of the person's current addressTBase
location_countryEnum (String)TheĀ country of the person's current addressTBase
location_geoStringTheĀ geo codeĀ of the city center of the person's current addressTBase
location_last_updatedString (Date)The timestamp that a new data source contributed to the record for the person's current addressTBase
location_localityStringThe locality of the person's current addressTBase
location_metroEnum (String)TheĀ metroĀ of the person's current addressTBase
location_nameStringTheĀ locationĀ of the person's current addressTBase
location_namesArray [String]All location names associated with the personTBase
location_postal_codeStringTheĀ postal codeĀ of the person's current addressTBase
location_regionStringThe region of the person's current addressTBase
location_street_addressStringThe person's currentĀ street addressTBase
middle_initialString (1 character)The first letter of the person's middle nameTBase
middle_nameStringThe person's middle nameTBase
mobile_phoneString (Phone)The personal mobile phone associated with this individual. Mobile phones can only be associated with 1 person in the PDL data.TBase
name_aliasesArray [String]Any other names the person goes byTTPerson Risk Attributes
num_recordsInteger (> 0)The number of unique raw records contributing to this specific PDL profileTTPerson Risk Attributes
num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of unique sources contributing to this specific PDL profileTTPerson Risk Attributes
operation_idStringAn identifier for an operation in a Data License delivery, used for troubleshooting.Base
personal_emailsArray [String]All personal emails associated with the personTBase
phone_numbersArray [String (Phone)]All phone numbers associated with the personTBase
phonesArray [Object]The list of phone numbers associated with this recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
phones.first_seenString (Date)The date that this number was first associated with this recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
phones.last_seenString (Date)The date that this number was last associated with this recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
phones.num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this profile with this recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
phones.numberString (Phone)The phone numberTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_birth_datesArray [String (Date)]Birthdays associated with this person that have a lower level of confidenceTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_emailsArray [Object]Email addresses associated with this person that have a lower level of confidenceTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_emails.addressStringThe fully parsed email addressTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_emails.first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_emails.last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_emails.num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_emails.typeEnum (String)The type of emailTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_location_namesArray [String]Locations associated with this person that have a lower level of confidenceTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_phonesArray [Object]Phone numbers associated with this person that have a lower level of confidenceTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_phones.first_seenString (Date)The date that this number was first associated with this recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_phones.last_seenString (Date)The date that this number was last associated with this recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_phones.num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this profile with this recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_phones.numberString (Phone)The phone numberTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_profilesArray [Object]Social profiles associated with this person that have a lower level of confidenceTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_profiles.first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_profiles.idStringThe profile IDTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_profiles.last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_profiles.networkEnum (String)The social network the profile is onTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_profiles.num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_profiles.urlStringThe profile URLTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_profiles.usernameStringThe profile usernameTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addressesArray [Object]Addresses associated with this person that have a lower level of confidenceTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.address_line_2StringTheĀ street address line 2TPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.continentEnum (String)The continent the address is inTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.countryEnum (String)The country the address is inTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.geoStringThe city-center geographic coordinates of the addressTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.localityStringThe locality the address is inTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.metroEnum (String)The metro area the address is inTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.nameStringThe location of the addressTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.postal_codeStringThe postal code of the addressTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.regionStringThe region of the addressTPerson Risk Attributes
possible_street_addresses.street_addressStringThe street addressTPerson Risk Attributes
profilesArray [Object]Social profiles associated with the personTBase
profiles.first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
profiles.idStringThe profile IDTBase
profiles.last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
profiles.networkEnum (String)The social network the profile is onTBase
profiles.num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
profiles.urlStringThe profile URLTBase
profiles.usernameStringThe profile usernameTBase
recommended_personal_emailStringThe best available email to reach a personTBase
regionsArray [String]AllĀ regionsĀ associated with the personTBase
skillsArray [String]The person's self-reported skillsTBase
street_addressesArray [Object]AllĀ street addressesĀ associated with the personTBase
street_addresses.address_line_2StringTheĀ street address line 2TBase
street_addresses.continentEnum (String)The continent the address is inTBase
street_addresses.countryEnum (String)The country the address is inTBase
street_addresses.first_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was first associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
street_addresses.geoStringThe city-center geographic coordinates of the addressTBase
street_addresses.last_seenString (Date)The date that this entity was last associated with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
street_addresses.localityStringThe locality the address is inTBase
street_addresses.metroEnum (String)The metro area the address is inTBase
street_addresses.nameStringThe location of the addressTBase
street_addresses.num_sourcesInteger (> 0)The number of sources that have contributed to the association of this entity with the Person recordTTPerson Risk Attributes
street_addresses.postal_codeStringThe postal code of the addressTBase
street_addresses.regionStringThe region of the addressTBase
street_addresses.street_addressStringThe street addressTBase
summaryStringUser-inputted personal summaryTTPremium Resume Fields
twitter_urlStringThe person's Twitter profile URL based on source agreementTBase
twitter_usernameStringThe person's Twitter profile username based on source agreementTBase
work_emailStringThe person's current work emailTBase