Data Updates

We update our data consistently to make iterative improvements, add new sources and fields, and ensure our fields stay up-to-date.

Update Frequency

Depending on how our customers access our data, our update frequency changes. For more information or questions, please reach out to your Customer Success team.

Data Updates

Data License Flat Files: Quarterly

For our Data License customers, flat files will be provided on a quarterly basis by default.

Our goal is to push towards faster and faster updates and develop new mechanisms for updating flat files like our Person Retrieve API. Reach out to provide us with feedback on our new mechanisms for data updates or your ideal workflow.

API Updates: Monthly

The data returned by our APIs is updated monthly.

Product Releases

Major Changes: Quarterly

Major breaking changes to our products such as new data fields, new canonicalized field values, new APIs, or significant changes to our existing APIs will be rolled out quarterly and documented in our Release Notes.

Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements: Monthly

Data updates (including new data sources), bug fixes, and improvements will be rolled out monthly. These updates will only be available through our APIs.

Beta Fields & New Products: Monthly

New products and field bundles will be rolled out monthly on an invite-only basis. We won’t be rolling out major changes that impact the wider customer base in our monthly releases. As such, we will not be providing monthly release notes at this time. However, you can track iterative product releases in our public roadmap by voting on cards to subscribe to updates.

Data Goals

  1. To ensure that we have current job title, company, and location information for as many profiles as possible.
  • While we value the accuracy of all fields, we value the accuracy of these fields the most, as they provide the most flexible utilization across all use cases. The last_updated field indicates when our "current" job and location data last appeared in a data source.
  1. To increase the total volume of data through our Data Union.
  • By increasing the number of values we have in each field, we can improve match rates and the value of each profile to the end user.
  • Our most highly-valued data partners provide linkages that cannot be found elsewhere. By taking advantage of these, we are often able to merge what would be multiple "sides" of our data together.
  • Adding new data fields allows our customers to power new products and create new features. We typically aim to have relatively strong coverage of a new field before we add it to the production data. However, some fields are valued enough that we provide them as "restricted" fields to our license customers and don't expose them in the APIs.
  1. To improve our data build process.
  • While we are relatively strict with our merging logic, finding new ways to increase the number of profiles that we merge without creating new errors allows us to increase the total volume of data without needing to acquire new sources of linkages.
  • Improved standardization results in cleaner profiles with better field-level de-duplication. Improved standardization also allows us to successfully merge more profiles.

Communicating Updates

The data_version field in API responses reflect the current quarterly version. An online changelog reflects data updates.

When deploying an update, our APIs typically experience a few minutes of downtime. We will notify all API customers with an active email attached to their key of this about a week in advance.

With the v5 schema, our goal is to make persistence commitments regarding how each field will evolve between data releases. We aim to do this in order to help our customers build applications around our data that are sustainable. We will announce any changes outside the potential changes listed in the Person Manual 90 days in advance of any release.