Person Endpoints
The Differences Between Our Person-Related APIs
We offer multiple person-related APIs, so how are they different? Here's a summary of each:
Person Enrichment: Finds the single best profile matching certain attributes about a particular person.
Person Search: Finds all the profiles for any number of persons that satisfy some search criteria.
Person Identify: Finds the best selection of profiles associated with a particular set of attributes for a person or related persons.
Here's a table that summarizes some of the key differences:
Person Enrichment | Person Identify | Person Search | |
Matching Type | 1:1 | 1:Many | 1:Many |
Input Cleaning | Yes | Yes | No |
Supported Query Parameters | Only supported inputs, which must be uniquely identifying | Only supported inputs, which do not need to be uniquely identifying | Anything in the Person Schema |
Number of Profiles per Unique Query | 1 | Up to 20 | No limit |
Sorting of Returned Profiles | N/A - only the single best-matched profile is returned | Sorted by match score | Sorted by profile completeness |
The key takeaway is that the Person Identify API exists between our Person Enrichment and Search APIs in terms of functionality.
Compared to the Person Enrichment API, which returns a single record for a single person, the Person Identify API supports broader search inputs and returns multiple strongly-related profiles. This means that the Person Identify API is ideal for situations in which you do not have enough information to uniquely resolve a person and are interested in recovering highly-probable candidates. The Person Enrichment API is better suited to targeted enrichment when you have enough uniquely-identifying information.
Compared to the Person Search API, the Person Identify API has standardized input parameters and provides a match score for each returned profile. This means that you can use the Person Identify API to recover a focused selection of highly related profiles, unlike the Person Search API, which will return a potentially large demographic cross-section of our Person Dataset with more loosely-related profiles.
You can use the Person Enrichment API to enrich data on a person:
import json
# See
from peopledatalabs import PDLPY
# Create a client, specifying your API key
api_key="YOUR API KEY",
# Create a parameters JSON object
"profile": [""]
# Pass the parameters object to the Person Enrichment API
json_response = CLIENT.person.enrichment(**PARAMS).json()
# Print the API response in JSON format
curl -X GET \
// See
import PDLJS from 'peopledatalabs';
// Create a client, specifying your API key
const PDLJSClient = new PDLJS({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY" });
// Create a parameters JSON object
const params = {
profile: ""
// Pass the parameters object to the Person Enrichment API
PDLJSClient.person.enrichment(params).then((jsonResponse) => {
// Print the API response in JSON format
}).catch((error) => {
require 'json'
# See
require 'peopledatalabs'
# Set your API key
Peopledatalabs.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Create a parameters JSON object
profile: ['']
# Pass the parameters object to the Person Enrichment API
json_response = Peopledatalabs::Enrichment.person(params: PARAMS)
# Print the API response in JSON format
puts JSON.dump(json_response)
package main
import (
// See
import (
pdl ""
pdlmodel ""
func main() {
// Set your API key
apiKey := "YOUR API KEY"
// Set API key as environmental variable
// apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")
// Create a client, specifying your API key
client := pdl.New(apiKey)
// Create a parameters JSON object
params := pdlmodel.EnrichPersonParams {
PersonParams: pdlmodel.PersonParams {
Profile: []string{""},
// Pass the parameters object to the Person Enrichment API
response, err := client.Person.Enrich(context.Background(), params)
// Convert the API response to JSON
jsonResponse, jsonErr := json.Marshal(response.Data)
// Print the API response
if err == nil && jsonErr == nil {
import requests
# Set your API key
# Set the Person Enrichment API URL
PDL_URL = ""
# Create a parameters JSON object
"api_key": API_KEY,
"profile": [""]
# Pass the parameters object to the Person Enrichment API
json_response = requests.get(PDL_URL, params=PARAMS).json()
# Print the API response in JSON format
We also provide a Bulk Person Enrichment API, which allows you to enrich 1-100 persons in a single request (recommended for high-volume usage):
import json
# See
from peopledatalabs import PDLPY
# Create a client, specifying your API key
api_key="YOUR API KEY",
# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {"requests": [{"params": {"profile": [""]}}]}
# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response = CLIENT.person.bulk(**DATA).json()
# Print the API response in JSON format
curl -X POST "" -H 'X-Api-Key: xxxx' 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"requests": [
"params": {
"profile": [""]
// See
import PDLJS from 'peopledatalabs';
// Create a client, specifying your API key
const PDLJSClient = new PDLJS({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY" });
// Create an array of parameters JSON objects
const data = {
requests: [
params: {
profile: ['']
// Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
PDLJSClient.person.bulk(data).then((jsonResponse) => {
// Print the API response in JSON format
}).catch((error) => {
require 'json'
# See
require 'peopledatalabs'
# Set your API key
Peopledatalabs.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = {requests: [{params: {profile: ['']}}]}
# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response = Peopledatalabs::Bulk.person(params: DATA)
# Print the API response in JSON format
puts JSON.dump(json_response)
package main
import (
// See
import (
pdl ""
pdlmodel ""
func main() {
// Set your API key
apiKey := "YOUR API KEY"
// Set API key as environmental variable
// apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")
// Create a client, specifying your API key
client := pdl.New(apiKey)
// Create an array of parameters JSON objects
params := pdlmodel.BulkEnrichPersonParams {
Requests: []pdlmodel.BulkEnrichSinglePersonParams {
Params: pdlmodel.PersonParams {
Profile: []string{""},
// Pass the parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
response, err := client.Person.BulkEnrich(context.Background(), params)
// Convert the API response to JSON
jsonResponse, jsonErr := json.Marshal(response)
// Print the API response
if err == nil && jsonErr == nil {
import requests
# Set your API key
# Set the Bulk Person Enrichment API URL
PDL_URL = ""
# Pass your API key in header
'X-Api-Key': API_KEY,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# Create an array of parameters JSON objects
DATA = '{"requests": [{"params": {"profile": [""]}}]}'
# Pass the bulk parameters object to the Bulk Person Enrichment API
json_response =, headers=HEADERS, data=DATA).json()
# Print the API response in JSON format
You can use the Person Search API to write queries (in either Elasticsearch or SQL format) against our Person Dataset and return the profiles that match those queries:
import json
# See
from peopledatalabs import PDLPY
# Create a client, specifying your API key
api_key="YOUR API KEY",
# Create an Elasticsearch query
'query': {
'bool': {
'must': [
{'term': {'location_country': "mexico"}},
{'term': {'job_title_role': "health"}},
{'exists': {'field': "phone_numbers"}}
# Create a parameters JSON object
'query': ES_QUERY,
'size': 10,
'pretty': True
# Pass the parameters object to the Person Search API
response =**PARAMS).json()
# Check for successful response
if response["status"] == 200:
data = response['data']
# Write out each profile found to file
with open("my_pdl_search.jsonl", "w") as out:
for record in data:
out.write(json.dumps(record) + "\n")
print(f"Successfully grabbed {len(data)} records from PDL.")
print(f"{response['total']} total PDL records exist matching this query.")
print("NOTE: The carrier pigeons lost motivation in flight. See error and try again.")
print("Error:", response)
import json
# See
from peopledatalabs import PDLPY
# Create a client, specifying your API key
api_key="YOUR API KEY",
# Create an SQL query
SELECT * FROM person
WHERE location_country='mexico'
AND job_title_role='health'
AND phone_numbers IS NOT NULL;
# Create a parameters JSON object
'sql': SQL_QUERY,
'size': 10,
'pretty': True
# Pass the parameters object to the Person Search API
response =**PARAMS).json()
# Check for successful response
if response["status"] == 200:
data = response['data']
# Write out each profile found to file
with open("my_pdl_search.jsonl", "w") as out:
for record in data:
out.write(json.dumps(record) + "\n")
print(f"Successfully grabbed {len(data)} records from PDL.")
print(f"{response['total']} total PDL records exist matching this query.")
print("NOTE: The carrier pigeons lost motivation in flight. See error and try again.")
print("Error:", response)
# Elasticsearch
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: xxxx' \
--data-raw '{
"size": 10,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {"location_country": "mexico"}},
{"term": {"job_title_role": "health"}},
{"exists": {"field": "phone_numbers"}}
curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: xxxx' \
--data-raw '{
"size": 10,
"sql": "SELECT * FROM person WHERE location_country='\''mexico'\'' AND job_title_role='\''health'\'' AND phone_numbers IS NOT NULL;"
// See
import PDLJS from 'peopledatalabs';
import fs from 'fs';
// Create a client, specifying your API key
const PDLJSClient = new PDLJS({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY" });
// Create an Elasticsearch query
const esQuery = {
query: {
bool: {
{term: {location_country: "mexico"}},
{term: {job_title_role: "health"}},
{exists: {field: "phone_numbers"}}
// Create a parameters JSON object
const params = {
searchQuery: esQuery,
size: 10,
pretty: true
// Pass the parameters object to the Person Search API => {
// Write out all profiles found to file
fs.writeFile("my_pdl_search.jsonl", Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(`Successfully grabbed ${} records from PDL.`);
console.log(`${data["total"]} total PDL records exist matching this query.`)
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("NOTE: The carrier pigeons lost motivation in flight. See error and try again.")
// See
import PDLJS from 'peopledatalabs';
import fs from 'fs';
// Create a client, specifying your API key
const PDLJSClient = new PDLJS({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY" });
// Create an SQL query
const sqlQuery = `SELECT * FROM person
WHERE location_country='mexico'
AND job_title_role='health'
AND phone_numbers IS NOT NULL;`
// Create a parameters JSON object
const params = {
searchQuery: sqlQuery,
size: 10,
pretty: true
// Pass the parameters object to the Person Search API => {
// Write out all profiles found to file
fs.writeFile("my_pdl_search.jsonl", Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(`Successfully grabbed ${} records from PDL.`);
console.log(`${data["total"]} total PDL records exist matching this query.`)
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("NOTE: The carrier pigeons lost motivation in flight. See error and try again.")
require 'json'
# See
require 'peopledatalabs'
# Set your API key
Peopledatalabs.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Create an Elasticsearch query
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {"location_country": "mexico"}},
{"term": {"job_title_role": "health"}},
{"exists": {"field": "phone_numbers"}}
# Pass parameters to the Person Search API
response = Peopledatalabs::Search.person(searchType: 'elastic', query: ES_QUERY, size: 10, pretty: true)
# Check for successful response
if response['status'] == 200
data = response['data']
# Write out each profile found to file"my_pdl_search.jsonl", "w") do |out|
data.each { |record| out.write(JSON.dump(record) + "\n") }
puts "Successfully grabbed #{data.length()} records from PDL."
puts "#{response['total']} total PDL records exist matching this query."
puts "NOTE: The carrier pigeons lost motivation in flight. See error and try again."
puts "Error: #{response}"
require 'json'
# See
require 'peopledatalabs'
# Set your API key
Peopledatalabs.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Create an SQL query
SELECT * FROM person
WHERE location_country='mexico'
AND job_title_role='health'
AND phone_numbers IS NOT NULL;
# Pass parameters to the Person Search API
response = Peopledatalabs::Search.person(searchType: 'sql', query: SQL_QUERY, size: 10, pretty: true)
# Check for successful response
if response['status'] == 200
data = response['data']
# Write out each profile found to file"my_pdl_search.jsonl", "w") do |out|
data.each { |record| out.write(JSON.dump(record) + "\n") }
puts "Successfully grabbed #{data.length()} records from PDL."
puts "#{response['total']} total PDL records exist matching this query."
puts "NOTE: The carrier pigeons lost motivation in flight. See error and try again."
puts "Error: #{response}"
package main
import (
// See
import (
pdl ""
pdlmodel ""
func main() {
// Set your API key
apiKey := "YOUR API KEY"
// Set API key as environmental variable
// apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")
// Create a client, specifying your API key
client := pdl.New(apiKey)
// Create an Elasticsearch query
elasticSearchQuery := map[string]interface{} {
"query": map[string]interface{} {
"bool": map[string]interface{} {
"must": []map[string]interface{} {
{"term": map[string]interface{}{"location_country": "mexico"}},
{"term": map[string]interface{}{"job_title_role": "health"}},
{"exists": map[string]interface{}{"field": "phone_numbers"}},
// Create a parameters JSON object
params := pdlmodel.SearchParams {
BaseParams: pdlmodel.BaseParams {
Size: 10,
Pretty: true,
SearchBaseParams: pdlmodel.SearchBaseParams {
Query: elasticSearchQuery,
// Pass the parameters object to the Person Search API
response, err := client.Person.Search(context.Background(), params)
// Check for successful response
if err == nil {
data := response.Data
// Create file
out, outErr := os.Create("my_pdl_search.jsonl")
defer out.Close()
if (outErr == nil) {
for i := range data {
// Convert each profile found to JSON
record, jsonErr := json.Marshal(data[i])
// Write out each profile to file
if (jsonErr == nil) {
out.WriteString(string(record) + "\n")
fmt.Printf("Successfully grabbed %d records from PDL.\n", len(data))
fmt.Printf("%d total PDL records exist matching this query.\n", response.Total)
} else {
fmt.Println("NOTE: The carrier pigeons lost motivation in flight. See error and try again.")
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
package main
import (
// See
import (
pdl ""
pdlmodel ""
func main() {
// Set your API key
apiKey := "YOUR API KEY"
// Set API key as environmental variable
// apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")
// Create a client, specifying your API key
client := pdl.New(apiKey)
// Create an SQL query
sqlQuery := "SELECT * FROM person" +
" WHERE location_country='mexico'" +
" AND job_title_role='health'" +
" AND phone_numbers IS NOT NULL;"
// Create a parameters JSON object
params := pdlmodel.SearchParams {
BaseParams: pdlmodel.BaseParams {
Size: 10,
Pretty: true,
SearchBaseParams: pdlmodel.SearchBaseParams {
SQL: sqlQuery,
// Pass the parameters object to the Person Search API
response, err := client.Person.Search(context.Background(), params)
// Check for successful response
if err == nil {
data := response.Data
// Create file
out, outErr := os.Create("my_pdl_search.jsonl")
defer out.Close()
if (outErr == nil) {
for i := range data {
// Convert each profile found to JSON
record, jsonErr := json.Marshal(data[i])
// Write out each profile to file
if (jsonErr == nil) {
out.WriteString(string(record) + "\n")
fmt.Printf("Successfully grabbed %d records from PDL.\n", len(data))
fmt.Printf("%d total PDL records exist matching this query.\n", response.Total)
} else {
fmt.Println("NOTE: The carrier pigeons lost motivation in flight. See error and try again.")
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
import requests, json
# Set your API key
# Set the Person Search API URL
PDL_URL = ""
# Set headers
'Content-Type': "application/json",
'X-api-key': API_KEY
# Create an Elasticsearch query
'query': {
'bool': {
'must': [
{'term': {'location_country': "mexico"}},
{'term': {'job_title_role': "health"}},
{'exists': {'field': "phone_numbers"}}
# Create a parameters JSON object
'query': json.dumps(ES_QUERY),
'size': 10,
'pretty': True
# Pass the parameters object to the Person Search API
response = requests.get(
# Check for successful response
if response["status"] == 200:
data = response['data']
# Write out each profile found to file
with open("my_pdl_search.jsonl", "w") as out:
for record in data:
out.write(json.dumps(record) + "\n")
print(f"Successfully grabbed {len(data)} records from PDL.")
print(f"{response['total']} total PDL records exist matching this query.")
print("NOTE: The carrier pigeons lost motivation in flight. See error and try again.")
print("Error:", response)
import requests, json
# Set your API key
# Set the Person Search API URL
PDL_URL = ""
# Set headers
'Content-Type': "application/json",
'X-api-key': API_KEY
# Create an SQL query
SELECT * FROM person
WHERE location_country='mexico'
AND job_title_role='health'
AND phone_numbers IS NOT NULL;
# Create a parameters JSON object
'sql': SQL_QUERY,
'size': 10,
'pretty': True
# Pass the parameters object to the Person Search API
response = requests.get(
# Check for successful response
if response["status"] == 200:
data = response['data']
# Write out each profile found to file
with open("my_pdl_search.jsonl", "w") as out:
for record in data:
out.write(json.dumps(record) + "\n")
print(f"Successfully grabbed {len(data)} records from PDL.")
print(f"{response['total']} total PDL records exist matching this query.")
print("NOTE: The carrier pigeons lost motivation in flight. See error and try again.")
print("Error:", response)
You can use the Person Identify API to access multiple strongly-associated profiles based on some broadly identifying criteria (such as a name or a street address):
import json
# See
from peopledatalabs import PDLPY
# Create a client, specifying your API key
api_key="YOUR API KEY",
# Create a parameters JSON object
"first_name": "sean",
"last_name": "thorne",
"company": "people data labs",
"pretty": True
# Pass the parameters object to the Person Identify API
response_data = CLIENT.person.identify(**PARAMS).json()
# Create a list of matches
identities = response_data['matches']
# Print the matches in JSON format
print(f"Found {len(identities)} identities!")
curl -X GET -G \
-H "X-Api-Key: ${API_KEY}" \
--data-urlencode 'first_name=sean'\
--data-urlencode 'last_name=thorne'\
--data-urlencode 'company="people data labs"'\
--data-urlencode 'pretty=True'
// See
import PDLJS from 'peopledatalabs';
// Create a client, specifying your API key
const PDLJSClient = new PDLJS({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY" });
// Create a parameters JSON object
const params = {
first_name: "sean",
last_name: "thorne",
company: "people data labs",
pretty: true,
// Pass the parameters object to the Person Identify API
PDLJSClient.person.identify(params).then((data) => {
// Create a list of matches
var identities = data["matches"]
// Print the matches in JSON format
console.log(`Found ${identities.length} identities!`)
}).catch((error) => {
# See
require 'peopledatalabs'
# Set your API key
Peopledatalabs.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Create a parameters JSON object
"first_name": "sean",
"last_name": "thorne",
"company": "people data labs",
"pretty": true
# Pass the parameters object to the Person Identify API
response = Peopledatalabs::Identify.person(params: PARAMS)
# Create a list of matches
identities = response['matches']
# Print the matches in JSON format
puts JSON.dump(identities)
puts "Found #{identities.length()} identities!"
package main
import (
// See
import (
pdl ""
pdlmodel ""
func main() {
// Set your API key
apiKey := "YOUR API KEY"
// Set API key as environmental variable
// apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")
// Create a client, specifying your API key
client := pdl.New(apiKey)
// Create a parameters JSON object
params := pdlmodel.IdentifyPersonParams {
BaseParams: pdlmodel.BaseParams {
Pretty: true,
PersonParams: pdlmodel.PersonParams {
FirstName: []string{"sean"},
LastName: []string{"thorne"},
Company: []string{"people data labs"},
// Pass the parameters object to the Person Identify API
response, err := client.Person.Identify(context.Background(), params)
// Check for successful response
if err == nil {
// Create a list of matches
identities := response.Matches
// Convert the matches to JSON
jsonResponse, jsonErr := json.Marshal(identities)
// Print the matches
if (jsonErr == nil) {
fmt.Printf("Found %d identities!\n", len(identities))
import requests
# Set your API key
# Set the Person Identify API URL
PDL_URL = ""
# Create a parameters JSON object
"first_name": "sean",
"last_name": "thorne",
"company": "people data labs",
"pretty": True,
"api_key": API_KEY
# Pass the parameters object to the Person Identify API
response = requests.request("GET", PDL_URL, params=PARAMS)
response_data = response.json()
# Create a list of matches
identities = response_data['matches']
# Print the matches in JSON format
print(f"Found {len(identities)} identities!")
Updated 6 months ago