Reference - Company Search API
The Company Search API is perfect for finding specific segments of companies that you need to power your projects and products. It gives you direct access to our full Company Dataset. There are many degrees of freedom, which allow you to find any kind of company with a single query.
The endpoint for the Company Search API is
Company Search API Access and Billing
We charge per record retrieved. Each company record in the data
array in the response counts as one credit against your total package.
See Authentication and Requests to learn how to input requests. We recommend using a JSON object to capture request parameters and will do so in the examples.
Rate Limiting
The current default rate limit is 10 requests per minute.
Input Parameters
For More Details, See Input Parameters - Company Search API
You can also click on the individual parameter names in the table below to view more information on them.
Parameter Name | Description | Default | Example |
query | An Elasticsearch (v7.7) query. See our underlying Elasticsearch mapping for reference. | {"query": {"term": {"name": "people data labs"}}} | |
sql | An SQL query of the format: SELECT * FROM company WHERE XXX , where XXX is a standard SQL boolean query involving our company fields. We will ignore any use of column selections or the LIMIT keyword. | SELECT * FROM company WHERE name='people data labs' | |
size | The batch size or the maximum number of matched records to return for this query if they exist. Must be between 1 and 100 . | 1 | 100 |
from | [LEGACY] The from field is not recommended for use and will not be supported long term. Use the scroll_token field instead An offset value for paginating between batches, which can be a number between 0 and 9999 . We will execute pagination for a maximum of 10,000 records per query. NOTE: YOU CANNOT USE FROM WITH SCROLL_TOKEN IN THE SAME REQUEST. | 0 | 0 , 100 , 200 ... |
scroll_token | An offset key for paginating between batches. Unlike the legacy from , you can use this parameter for any number of records. Each Company Search API response returns a scroll_token , which you can use to fetch the next size records. | None | 104$14.278746 |
titlecase | All text in API responses returns as lowercase by default. Setting titlecase to true will titlecase the person data in 200 responses. | false | true |
pretty | Whether the output should have human-readable indentation. | false | true |
api_key | Your secret API key (Note: you can also provide this in the request header instead, as shown on the Authentication page). | ||
updated_title_roles | Set to true to return the updated taxonomy for job_title_role and job_title_subrole along with the new job_title_class field.Temporary parameter available from Oct 2024 - Feb 2024. | false | true |
Output Response
We will return an HTTP response code of 200
for any valid request, regardless of whether records were found for your query or not. For that reason, pay close attention to the total
value in your response object to understand query success. Each company record in the data
array of the response counts as a single credit against your total package. The responses in the output are sorted by profile completeness.
Response Fields
For More Details, See Output Response - Company Search API
You can also click the field names in the table below to view more information as well.
Field | Description | Type |
status | The response code. See a description of our error codes. | Integer |
data | The company response objects that match the input query (see the example company record. | Array (Object) |
total | The number of records matching a given query or sql input. | Integer |
scroll_token | The scroll value, which you can use for further pagination. | String |
Response Data Structure
The response from the Company Search API will be in this format:
"status": 200,
"data": [
"id": "tnHcNHbCv8MKeLh92946LAkX6PKg",
"name": "people data labs",
"total": 6,
"scroll_token": "13.312621$543927"
See Example Company Record for a full example of the fields included in the data
If the request encounters an error, it will instead return an Error Response in the format described in Errors.
Full Field Mapping
All Data Field Descriptions
See Company Schema.
Updated 4 months ago