[Deprecated] Person Manual

With the v5 schema, our goal is to make persistence commitments regarding how each field will evolve between data releases. We aim to do this in order to help our customers build applications around our data that are sustainable.

Any changes outside the potential changes listed here will be announced 90 days in advance of any release.

Standard Fields

Field Name     Persistence Commitments and Format
birth_dateDate string in YYYY-mm-dd format. Can be accurate to the day (YYYY-MM-DD), month (YYYY-MM) or year (YYYY). If this exists, birth_year will agree with this
birth_yearDate string. Only year (YYYY)
countriesList of valid PDL countries -- Canonical Countries
education.degreesList of Canonical Degrees that can be changed between releases
education.end_dateDate string in YYYY-mm-dd format. Can be accurate to the day (YYYY-MM-DD), month (YYYY-MM) or year (YYYY)
education.gpa0.0 <= x <= 5.0
education.majorsCanonical Majors that can be changed between releases
education.minorsCanonical Majors that can be changed between releases
education.school.domaina valid domain with tld
education.school.facebook_urlThe website associated with the school
education.school.idids could change from build to build but are likely to stay relatively the same in the short-mid term. Relational dataset will be 1to1 with ID's available in current person version
education.school.linkedin_idpart of relational dataset
education.school.linkedin_urlpart of relational dataset
education.school.location.continentrelational data - should align with location relational data
education.school.location.countryrelational data - should align with location relational data
education.school.location.localityrelational data - should align with location relational data
education.school.location.namelocality, region, country format. relational data - should align with location relational data
education.school.location.regionrelational data - should align with location relational data
education.school.locationcanonical locations which can be retrieved via the cleaner apis
education.school.namepart of relational dataset
education.school.twitter_urlpart of relational dataset
education.school.typeprimary school, secondary school, post-secondary institution
education.school.websitea valid domain with tld
education.schoolcanonical schools which can be retrieved via the cleaner apis
education.start_dateDate string in YYYY-mm-dd format. Can be accurate to the day (YYYY-MM-DD), month (YYYY-MM) or year (YYYY)
emails.addressa valid email format
emails.typeemail types
experience.company.facebook_urlpart of relational dataset
experience.company.foundedpart of relational dataset
experience.company.idids could change from build to build but are likely to stay relatively the same in the short-mid term. Relational dataset will be 1to1 with ID's available in current person version
experience.company.industrypart of relational dataset
experience.company.linkedin_idpart of relational dataset
experience.company.linkedin_urlpart of relational dataset
experience.company.location.address_line_2part of relational dataset
experience.company.location.continentrelational data - should align with location relational data
experience.company.location.countryrelational data - should align with location relational data
experience.company.location.georelational data - should align with location relational data
experience.company.location.localityrelational data - should align with location relational data
experience.company.location.metrorelational data - should align with location relational data
experience.company.location.namerelational data - should align with location relational data
experience.company.location.postal_coderelational data - should align with location relational data
experience.company.location.regionrelational data - should align with location relational data
experience.company.location.street_addresspart of relational dataset
experience.company.locationcanonical locations which can be retrieved via the cleaner apis
experience.company.namepart of relational dataset
experience.company.sizepart of relational dataset: Canonical company size ranges
experience.company.twitter_urlpart of relational dataset
experience.company.websitepart of relational dataset
experience.companycanonical companies which can be retrieved via the cleaner apis
experience.end_dateDate string in YYYY-mm-dd format. Can be accurate to the day (YYYY-MM-DD), month (YYYY-MM) or year (YYYY)
experience.is_primarytrue, false
experience.location_nameslocality, region, country
experience.start_dateDate string in YYYY-mm-dd format. Can be accurate to the day (YYYY-MM-DD), month (YYYY-MM) or year (YYYY)
experience.title.levelslist of persistent enum strings that will only be added to. logical output of title levels from title.name can change Canonical Levels
experience.title.nameFree Text Field
experience.title.roleCanonical Data for Roles persistent enum -- never remove only append. Individual records may gain // lose values
experience.title.sub_roleCanonical Data for Subroles persistent enum -- never remove only append. Individual records may gain // lose values. Title Subroles each map to a Role
experience.titlefree text
experiencelist of objects "experience" objects
facebook_iddigital strings
facebook_urlfacebook.com/username -- not necessarily an active profile
facebook_usernamefree text field with blacklisted values
first_namefree text field with blacklisted values. Always exists
full_namegenerated from first_name and last_name field. Always exists
sexmale, female
github_urlgithub.com/username -- not necessarily an active profile
github_usernamefree text field with blacklisted values
idpersistent ids
industryCanonical Industries
interestsfree text field
job_company_facebook_urlpart of relational dataset
job_company_foundedpart of relational dataset
job_company_idpart of relational dataset
job_company_industrypart of relational dataset
job_company_linkedin_idpart of relational dataset
job_company_linkedin_urlpart of relational dataset
job_company_location_address_line_2relational data - should align with location relational data
job_company_location_continentrelational data - should align with location relational data
job_company_location_countryrelational data - should align with location relational data
job_company_location_georelational data - should align with location relational data
job_company_location_localityrelational data - should align with location relational data
job_company_location_namerelational data - should align with location relational data
job_company_location_postal_coderelational data - should align with location relational data
job_company_location_regionrelational data - should align with location relational data
job_company_location_street_addressrelational data - should align with location relational data
job_company_namepart of relational dataset
job_company_sizepart of relational dataset: Canonical company size ranges
job_company_twitter_urlpart of relational dataset
job_company_websitepart of relational dataset
job_last_updatedDate string. (YYYY-MM-DD).
job_start_dateDate string in YYYY-mm-dd format. Can be accurate to the day (YYYY-MM-DD), month (YYYY-MM) or year (YYYY)
job_title_levelslist of persistent enum strings that will only be added to. logical output of title levels from title.name can change Canonical Levels
job_title_roleCanonical Data for Roles persistent enum -- never remove only append. Individual records may gain // lose values
job_title_sub_roleCanonical Data for Subroles persistent enum -- never remove only append. Individual records may gain // lose values. Title Subroles each map to a Role
job_titleprimary experience.title.name
last_namefree text field with blacklisted values. Always exists
linkedin_iddigital strings
linkedin_urllinkedin.com/in/username -- not necessarily an active profile
linkedin_usernamefree text field with blacklisted values
location_address_line_2free text following set formats
location_continentpart of relational dataset List of continents
location_countrypart of relational dataset List of countries
location_geopart of relational dataset. Lat Lon city center rounded to two digits
location_last_updatedDate string (YYYY-MM-DD)
location_localitypart of relational dataset
location_metroList of metros
location_namepart of relational dataset
location_namesfrom relational dataset
location_postal_codea US (5 digit) or canadian (7 digit with space as middle char) postal code. Other countries may be added at a future date
location_regionpart of relational dataset
location_street_addressfree text following set formats
middle_initialsingle char
middle_namefree text field with blacklisted values
operation_idSha-256 Hash
personal_emailsList of strings. Will always follow local@domain.com
profiles.iddigital strings
profiles.networkValid profile networks. Networks may be added but never removed
profiles.urlAlways follows a set url format, no protocol/www
profiles.usernamefree text field with blacklisted values
regionsregion, country
skillsfree text field
street_addresses.address_line_2free text following set formats
street_addresses.continentpart of relational dataset
street_addresses.countrypart of relational dataset
street_addresses.geopart of relational dataset. Lat Lon city center rounded to two digits
street_addresses.localitypart of relational dataset
street_addresses.metroList of metros
street_addresses.namepart of relational dataset
street_addresses.postal_codea US (5 digit) or canadian (7 digit with space as middle char) postal code. Other countries may be added at a future date
street_addresses.regionpart of relational dataset
street_addresses.street_addressfree text following set formats
street_addressesList of full parsed addresses associated with the person
twitter_urltwitter.com/username -- not necessarily an active profile
twitter_usernamefree text field with blacklisted values
version_status.containslist of valid PDL Ids
version_status.current_versionPDL data versions follow a major.minor format
version_status.previous_versionPDL data versions follow a major.minor format
version_status.statusOne of six values outlined Here
version_statusAllows customers track the pervious and current dataset version, any other persistent IDs that were merged into this record using improved entity resolution, and the status of the record
work_emailWill always follow local@domain.com

Restricted Fields

Field Name     Persistence Commitments and Format
certifications.end_dateDate string. YYYY-MM-DD
certifications.nameFree Text Field
certifications.organizationFree Text Field
certifications.start_dateDate string. YYYY-MM-DD
education.rawFree Text Field
education.school.rawFree Text Field
education.summaryFree Text Field, Cased
experience.company.rawFree Text Field
experience.company.tickerFree Text Field, capitalized
experience.summaryFree Text Field, Cased
experience.title.rawFree Text Field
inferred_years_experienceBetween 0 and 100
job_company_tickerFree Text Field, capitalized
job_summaryFree Text Field, Cased
languages.nameCanonical Languages
languages.proficiencyScore 1-5
linkedin_connectionsTypically 0-500, some are the true values over 500
summaryFree Text Field, Cased