Matching Logic Options

Definitions for supported Query Builder matching logic options

The following matching logic options are used with our Query Builder Tool to build search queries.

When writing rules based on fields with canonical values, make sure to use the exact value listed in the corresponding Canonical Value Table. For example, if you write a query for profiles in the USA with the location_country field, you need to enter united states exactly as shown in the Canonical Countries table in order to get successful matches.

  1. = (Equals): This matching logic is used to find exact matches for the entered value(s). For example, if you select the location_name field and set the matching logic as "=", entering san francisco, california, united states will match profiles with the exact location "San Francisco, California, United States."
  2. != (Not Equals): This logic is used to exclude profiles that have a specific value. For example, if you set the matching logic as "!=" and enter Manager for the job_title field, profiles with the job title "Manager" will be excluded from the search results.
  3. contains: This logic is used to find profiles that contain the entered value(s) as a substring within a particular field. For example, using the "contains" logic with the company_name field and entering "Tech" will match profiles with company names like "ABC Technologies" or "XYZ Tech Solutions."
  4. beginsWith: This logic is used to find profiles where a particular field starts with the entered value(s). For instance, if you set the matching logic as "beginsWith" for the first_name field and enter "John" it will match profiles with first names like "John," "Johnson," or "Johnathan."
  5. endsWith: This logic is used to find profiles where a particular field ends with the entered value(s). For example, if you set the matching logic as "endsWith" for the email field and enter "", it will match profiles with email addresses ending in ""
  6. doesNotContain: This logic is used to exclude profiles that contain the entered value(s) as a substring within a specific field. For instance, using the "doesNotContain" logic with the job_title field and entering "Manager" will exclude profiles with job titles containing the word "Manager."
  7. doesNotBeginWith: This logic is used to exclude profiles where a particular field does not start with the entered value(s). For example, if you set the matching logic as "doesNotBeginWith" for the company_name field and enter "ABC", profiles with company names like "ABC Technologies" or "ABC Corporation" will be excluded.
  8. doesNotEndWith: This logic is used to exclude profiles where a particular field does not end with the entered value(s). For instance, if you set the matching logic as "doesNotEndWith" for the email field and enter "", profiles with email addresses ending in "" will be excluded.
  9. notNull: This logic is used to find profiles where a particular field is not empty or null. For example, if you set the matching logic as "notNull" for the phone_numbers field, it will match profiles that have at least one phone number.
  10. in: This logic is used to match profiles where a particular field's value is contained within a list of provided values. For example, if you set the matching logic as "in" for the industry field and enter "technology,finance,healthcare", it will match profiles with industries listed as either "technology," "finance," or "healthcare."
  11. notIn: This logic is used to exclude profiles where a particular field's value is present in a list of provided values. For instance, if you set the matching logic as "notIn" for the location_country field and enter "united states,canada", profiles with countries listed as either "united states" or "canada" will be excluded.