Data Field Bundles

As shown in the Person and Company Data Overview pages, certain high-value fields are marked as restricted/premium fields. These fields are offered at an additional cost. To help you get the data you need, we have grouped fields together in bundles.

Bundles can contain base and/or premium fields, and can also have true/false flags instead of the data values themselves. We’ve assembled our bundles based on use case analysis and customer feedback. Talk with a PDL Data Consultant to find your perfect bundle.

Example Bundles

These two example bundles are for illustrative purposes. There are many more bundles and opportunities for further customization. Talk with a PDL Data Consultant for more details.

Premium Resume Fields Bundle

This bundle is great for Recruiting use cases. Get candidates’ written summaries, certifications, and language proficiencies.

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certifications, certifications.end_date,, certifications.organization, certifications.start_date, countries, education.summary, experience.summary, job_summary, languages,, languages.proficiency, summary

Contact Data Bundle

This bundle is great for Sales & Marketing use cases. Get up-to-date contact information (emails, street addresses, and phones) for your leads.

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birth_date, birth_year, countries, emails, emails.address, emails.type, first_name, full_name, sex, id, last_initial, last_name, location_address_line_2, location_continent, location_country, location_geo, location_last_updated, location_locality, location_metro, location_name, location_names, location_postal_code, location_region, location_street_address, middle_initial, middle_name, mobile_phone, personal_emails, phone_numbers, regions, street_addresses, street_addresses.address_line_2,, street_addresses.geo, street_addresses.locality, street_addresses.metro,, street_addresses.postal_code, street_addresses.region, street_addressses.street_address, work_email